Scarlet Baby

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Hello, beautiful readers! I want to thank you guys again for being patient angels with me, as well as for sticking around—let me tell you that your support is not in vain because things will get intense soon, in the blink of an eye. So stay tuned!!! There might even be a... confession. 😈

You guys are my saviors, okay? I'm am truly grateful for your support. Next chapter will be published tomorrow, the day after, or the day after that 💜💕💕❤️

I'm ashamed to say that we've irresponsibly stuffed ourselves not with food but an entire pile of chocolate robots. We're fueled by sugar, to say the least.

The chocolate addict and primary instigator of our sugary downfall—Killua—is slumped against the gymnasium wall. His belly has swelled two times its size—I wouldn't be surprised if he was dead.

Gon is less severely affected, quick to recover. He's currently doing some push ups in the air, his shirt slipping down a little so that his abs are revealed. I blush, unable to look away.

"Hmm?" He catches me staring and offers me a friendly smile. I avert my eyes, my entire face burning with embarrassment.

"Your face is abnormally red, Y/N..." Leorio trails on, touching my forehead. "Are you sick?"

I blush even harder.

"She's not sick," Killua murmurs, turning around to smirk at me. His eyes are unfocused and dizzy. "She has a crush on Gon."

My eyes bulge and I mentally scream at the top of my lungs. In reality, my eye just irritably twitches.

In that moment I want nothing more than to punch the white haired boy, who's eyes flutter closed. He's fallen asleep before I can confront him, and I wonder if he said that on purpose.

Slowly, I turn to look at Gon, who's still doing push ups as if nothing happened. If he heard Killua, his face doesn't betray him.

I'm positive Leorio did hear because he's looking between Gon and me with an arched brow. "You two—"

But I shake my head, "—no."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Normal P.O.V.

Killua didn't fall asleep like Y/N assumed, actually looking at her through his fluttering lids. He saw as she closed herself off, pulling her knees to her chest and propping her chin on her her knee cap, observing those around her like a cat.

There was a pang of guilt in his chest. Why did he say it? The words escaped his lips before he could stop them. All he knows is that he wanted Y/N to pay attention to him and not Gon.

What better way of doing that than being a jerk to her? He was a coward.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 

"The airship's stopped," I notice, nudging Gon who's fallen asleep on my shoulder. I'd been glancing at his peaceful face the entire time instead of getting some rest, too. Now my lids are heavy, but I don't regret my choices. *internally creating a scrapbook of Gon* "I think we've arrived, Gon."

He stirs and then opens his eyes, the caramel pools landing on my face. A smile spreads across his face, and he removes himself from me. "Thanks for waking me up."

"N-no problem." I stutter.

"Stop drooling on me, kid!" Leorio says from across the room, pushing Killua's sleeping body away with his leg.

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