Some Things Don't Change

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Hello, beautiful readers. I want to apologize for being inactive for the last few weeks. I was just feeling pressured to make a good chapter and now I don't know... I hope you like this one. I will attempt to finish this book, I promise. Please bear with me ❤️💕💜

To those still supporting me, thank  you from the deepest depths of my heart. Next chapter will be published either tomorrow, the day after that, or the day after that. Love you all 🥰

Y/N's P.O.V.

During last three years, I've spent my energy trying to suppress my past and the demons that cling to it. However, something tells me my attempts will be shattered once we're in the clutches of the land of the dead- a place where "light does not penetrate its surface and even your own shadow seems menacing", according to master Zebezen. He's currently leaning against a tree, cigarette between his lips, eyes fixed on the night sky and its endless abyss of scattered stars and a sole moon.

Since the Dance Of Souls is over, the priests end the ritual by chanting the free souls of participants back into their bodies. Gradually, the collapsed people wake up, groaning without recognition. I skim the faces, trying to find my friends. Achii is helping Aani up by offering a hand, and they're suppressing smiles, both of them. It isn't until they stumble up to me, pushing one another lazily, that I understand.

"I guess it's not meant to be, beautiful Aani." Achii says with a crooked smile, eyes crinkling.

"You're right. We're not soulmates, but even if we were—" she crossed her arms, raising both brows in his direction. "—I should inform you that I only agreed to dancing with you out of politeness. I have absolutely no feelings for you, got it?"

"Understood!" The raven haired boy saluted playfully before leaning in really close to her face, causing her eyes to widen. He slurs, "Do you think I can change your mind?"

Before she has the chance to reply, Naguka makes his famous silent appearance. With an exasperated look, he mumbles, "Get a room already."

The two lovers shoot him a glare until Aani arrives to a sudden realization. "Wait, does that mean that Y/N and the guy she was dancing with were the soulmates?"

I blink. I guess it makes sense why she would come to that conclusion. "I, erm. Yeah. Actually..." I launch into a full on explanation of my next mission and how the burden of Hikashou shrine's fate rests on my shoulders. They all listen intently, a mixture of disbelief, concern, and amazement crossing their faces. In the end, Achii breaks the silence by whistling, hands crossed behind his head.

"That's a lot to take in," he says, arching a brow in my direction. "What are you planning to do?"

I sigh, "What I have to in order to save my home."

They all stared at me, frowns staining their faces before being called over by the shrine maidens. The locals are told to go back home, and Aani squeezes my hand, giving me one last, lingering look. I'll be okay, I wanted to say, doubting my own resolute.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Killua, as promised, returned a few minutes later after the forest was cleared out except for a few shrine maidens, Zebezen, and a girl who's name slipped my mind. She was one of the inhabitants of Hikashou shrine, a year or two older than me. She glanced at me with indifference, and I wondered but didn't ponder why she hadn't joined the others.

I walked over to Killua, the blue electricity shrouding him slowly fading away. We exchanged a look that lasted for a few seconds, and a small smile brightened my face. He matched my expression, but averted his eyes as if he couldn't look at me for too long. This alarmed me, but Zebezen called us over before I could ask him what was wrong.

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