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Guys I just want to thank you all for this amazing opportunity to share this story. The views for Save Me are skyrocketing and it's all thanks to YOU 💜💕❤️

I am truly grateful and indebted to you all, my beautiful readers. Next chapter will be published tomorrow, the day after, or the day after that—so, stay put for that. I love you guys with all my heart 🥰🥰🥰

UNFORTUNATELY A PART OF THE STORY GOT DELETED BUT WORRY NOT—not much is missed. Y/N, Gon, and Killua arrived in Whale Island. Alluka, Mito-San, and Gon's grandmother greeted them. Love you guys ❤️

"What?" Mito-San stood up so abruptly that her chair was knocked over in the process. We had been peacefully having dinner before Gon broke the news to Mito-San that we would be leaving again first thing in the morning. "But you just got here!" 

Gon rose too, and his chair was knocked over. He was hard-set on this decision, but I could tell he was feeling bad about taking off so soon. "I'm sorry. Please understand."

Mito-San's face creased with a frown, and she sat back down reluctantly. Dismissing the situation. Fine, she seemed to convey as she served herself some more salad. It's not like I can stop you. You're a grown boy now.

Killua, Alluka, and I were forced to suffer a dreadful silence throughout the rest of dinner, picking at our food awkwardly.

Gon's grandmother seemed to be the only one unaffected, smiling and placing a hand on Mito-San's shoulder. Let him go, the action said.

Mito-San closes her eyes in defeat. Says, "Come visit again. Don't go off the maps because you'll give me a heart attack, Gon."

Beaming, Gon nods once. "I will."

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .

After dinner, all of us pitch in to do chores. Mito-San is washing the dishes in the kitchen with Alluka scrubbing the table clean. Gon's grandmother has gone off to bed early and the boys are sweeping the floor outside.

I'm asked by Mito-San to deliver the boys' newly dried clothes to their room. On my way there, I pause to admire the family pictures hanging on the wall.

One in particular stands out—a man who at first I mistake for an older version of Gon, staring confidently at the camera as the picture snaps the moment into eternity. He has the same caramel eyes that melt your soul, and a shrub of beard that adds a few years to his age. But the biggest indicator that he is Gon's father is his smile, warm and inviting. Daring.

I stare at the frames for a few more minutes before remembering why I came here. Gon's room is messy, with pillows scattered everywhere as if he and Killua had a pillow fight the night before.

The corners of my mouth quirked up unwillingly, and I set their clothes on the bed. I was about to leave when a ringing in my ears made me collapse.

Before I knew it, sleep was seducing me, and I surrendered to it. My last thought before entering the dark void was: Why do I have a hate-love relationship with sleep?

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 

I'm woken up by the sound of approaching footsteps and distant voices. The door to the room opens, but I don't open my eyes in fear of being caught red handed.

"Y/N's been here the whole time?" Killua asks, sounding like he's standing at the doorway.

"She fell asleep..." Gon whispers, a bit closer to me than his friend.

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