Everyone Leaves

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Hello, beautiful readers. This chapter is required in order for the time skip in the next chapter make sense. Next chapter will be published either tomorrow, the day after, or the day after that. Love you guys ❤️💕💜

"YOU'RE A BROKEN EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING!" Five yells angrily, punching the wall I'm leaning against. He's cornered me, and his fist lands only centimeters from my face. I stare at him wide eyed, flinching at his sudden outburst of violence.

The Kurta baby's cries can be heard in the background, and all I want to do is comfort him. Except I can't move, frozen in fear of my sibling.

"Stop it!" Bisky pushes him off me, glaring daggers at my insane brother. She's come between us, a protective barrier even though she's smaller than me. "She's still recovering from her wounds!"

"That piece of shit—" Five points an accusing finger at me. Blood drips from his knuckles, but he doesn't seem to notice. "—is not my sister."

I collapse, wondering how things turned out like this. It's only been a few days after the 'war' between the Phantom Troupe and Zoldyck family, after Killua left. Gon also abandoned me after receiving a call from his father one night. He appeared apologetic but I could of sworn there was a hint of relief in his tone as he told delivered the unfortunate news.

"I'm sorry but Ging needs me." He'd said, avoiding my gaze. I clenched my fists but bit my tongue to keep from saying something I'd regret. I need you too, is what I wanted him to know. But that was selfish of me—I couldn't hold him back.

Bisky and Five remained by my side, and we took care of the Kurta baby while Kurapika protected Neon and dealt with illegal activity underground.

Our lives began adjusting until I rejected my memories. I wasn't making any progress, going one step forward and two steps back. That's why Five was so furious with me right now, fed up with my childish games.

"I'm sorry I'm rejecting my memories," I whisper as Bisky holds down a thrashing Five, his eyes flaring like the dancing fires of hell. "But I can't be the person I was before. Not after everything I've been through, all I've suffered. I'm a different person than the one you remember and yearn for."

But my brother wasn't listening, breaking away from the blonde girl's grasp and flinging himself out the window. Glass shards scatter, glinting off the moonlight for a second. I heard his voice in my head for the last time: You'll end up alone if you're going to be like that. You're not the person I remember nor one I want to get to know. Your weakness disgusts me, and I hope you realize someday who you are, little sister.

Every word sliced through me like a sharp edged sword with a poisonous tip, slowly killing me. It was worse than physical pain because it touched my emotions, which recoiled.

I collapse, soft sobs protruding from me. Bisky hugs my shuddering body, and she's whispering soothing lies. "He's gone now. He was never good anyway, girl. Kurapika will come back soon and he'll know what to do..."

I nod despite not believing her.

In the end, when Kurapika returned for the Kurta baby, he decided to take me somewhere isolated where I could take all the time I needed to recover from the demons haunting me.

"This place is located at the edge of a thick forest, hidden as to not be acknowledged. Troubled people like you go there to recover and grow."

"An insane asylum?" I chuckle.

He raises an eyebrow, "No. It's called Hikashou Shrine."


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