After the show

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Jeff's POV

The show ends in 10 minutes and right now me and Matt are in our locker room while the girls are in their locker room getting their stuff together. I was wondering what happened to that blonde guy that came to find Trish ages ago I know Zak because she goes on call with him sometimes she knows I get jealous but she tells me that I am the one for her and she won't leave me and how Zak has a girlfriend. 

Matt: what you thinking about?

Jeff: nothing

Matt: oh really?

Jeff: yeah 

Matt: why do I not believe you?

Jeff: *sighs* fine I was thinking about that blonde guy that use to be around Trish

Matt: you mean Bo?

Jeff: that's his name?

Matt: yeah he came by on Trish's birthday but he came with a girl with light brown hair and a guy with dark brown hair

Jeff: I never saw them around

Matt: of course you didn't you were too busy talking with me and Lita about your crush on Trish

Jeff: oh

Matt: I don't know the girl and the other guys name 

Jeff: oh 

Matt: we better go to the girls locker room

Jeff: *nods*

We walked out of the room with our ring gear bags on our shoulders and we headed to the girls locker room.

End of POV

Trish's POV

Me and Lita had our stuff ready for the end of the show my phone rang I looked at the ID and saw it was Bo he hasn't contacted me in ages. 

Lita: who is it?

Trish: it's Bo

Lita: oh 

I answered the phone. 

*Phone convo*

Trish: hey

Bo: hey Trish

Trish: how are you?

Bo: I am alright  what about you?

Trish: I am alright  just been stressed through a few things but things have gone back to normal

Bo: I am glad that everything has gone back to normal

Trish: how is Daisy? How is Luke?

Bo: they are good Daisy misses the girl time you two had

Trish: *giggles* doesn't she have Sophia?

Bo: Trish, Sophia isn't a girly girl as she calls herself she prefers to hang out with me and Luke when me and Luke were practising with our bows Sophia came and she beat me and Luke with it then she walked off.

Trish: ha you got beaten by a girl

Bo: hey it took me and Luke 2 weeks to get Daisy to stop making fun of us for that 

Trish: *giggles* you shouldn't of told me 

Bo: wish I didn't now

Trish: I won't always make fun of you and Luke don't worry

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