Trish Stratus vs Victoria

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Trish's POV

I woke up this morning to the sun shining through the curtains I didn't get back to the hotel till late since I was with Zak, Nick and Aaron they wanted to talk to me and since Lita was asleep I didn't want to wake her but she was awake and told me to be careful. 

Lita: wake up sleeping beauty

Trish: *laughs* shut up

Lita: *smiles*

I got out of bed and walked in the bathroom and took a shower then when I came out I brushed my teeth and then I got changed into *picture below*

I changed the jacket to a black leather jacket and I left the bag there then when I walked out of the bathroom and saw Lita waiting for me she smiled

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I changed the jacket to a black leather jacket and I left the bag there then when I walked out of the bathroom and saw Lita waiting for me she smiled.

Lita: ready?

Trish: yup

I grabbed my gear bag and so did Lita then we walked down the corridor we heard our names being called.

???: Trish!

???: Lita!

We turned around and saw Matt and Jeff we stopped and they smiled at us when they caught up to us.

Jeff: you okay this morning?

Trish: we're alright

Matt: you ready to go to the arena?

Lita: yup

We walked out of the hotel and then we walked to the Hardyz rental car and we all got in so Matt was driving, Lita in passenger, Jeff behind Matt and I was behind Lita the radio was on and the song that was playing was called 'wide awake by Katy Perry'.

*At the arena*

Matt pulled up and we all got out the Hardyz went to their locker room while me and Lita went to ours.

*Outside Trish and Lita's locker room*

We walked inside and dropped our stuff off by the bench and we sat on the sofa we turned the TV on then there was a knock on the door.

Lita: come in!

Coach walked in the room he had his clipboard with him.

Coach: Trish you have a match

Trish: who against?

Coach: Victoria

Trish: *nods* alright

Coach then walked out of the room and I grabbed my ring gear bag and walked in the back room to get changed then when I walked out I saw Lita on her phone.

Lita: *looks up from her phone* good luck

Trish: thanks

I walked out of the room and headed to the curtain and when I got there I saw Victoria already there and she didn't see me since she looked focused on the match.

you belong with meNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ