Finding out/ breaking up

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Jeff's POV

Me and Matt are with Candice and Mickie they are talking about anything since me and Matt aren't listening to them but to them they think we are but if it was Trish and Lita then they would know something is wrong because they will know that we aren't listening.

Candice: we better go Mickie

Mickie: ah yes we have a match now against Stacy and Maria

Candice: *nods* let's go

They stood up and walked out of the room and after 2 minutes me and Matt followed them they went down this corridor and we saw Candice and Mickie with Edge and Johnny. Candice had her arms wrapped around Nitro while Mickie had her arms wrapped around Edge. I looked at my brother and he nodded we walked back to our locker room since we know that the girls don't have a match now.

*Inside the Hardyz locker room*

I looked at my brother and he didn't look happy.

Matt: we started a fight with Trish and Lita for nothing

Jeff: *nods* what are we gonna do?

Matt: well starters we need to break up with Candice and Mickie

Jeff: okay then what?

Matt: we will have to make up with Trish and Lita because knowing them they won't try to become friends again after everything we have done to them like after we blamed them for no reason at all.

Jeff: *nods* what if they don't want to be friends with us again? You know how stubborn they both can be

Matt: I know but we'll figure that out when we get to that bit. I still can't believe that they have been cheating on us with those two

Jeff: I know but I wonder how Trish and Lita feel if they knew about this

Matt: if we were still friends then they would've hurt the girls

We talked about anything but mostly about how we are gonna break up with the girls we don't want to hurt them because we aren't those sort of guys.

Jeff: I'm going to the lunch room

Matt: okay

Jeff: want a drink?

Matt: sure

I walked out of mine and my brothers locker room and headed to the lunch room.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I am in the lunch room on my own waiting for Lita since she wanted to meet me here I don't know why though she never told me.

I waited for another 5 minutes then Lita walked in and she smiled and she looked tired but then again she just had a match.

Trish: what's wrong Lita?

Lita: nothing just wanted to meet you here and besides we seem to always be in our locker room so I thought we should hang out of the locker room

Trish: okay understandable

Lita: how is Zak?

Trish: he is okay

Lita: Nick and Aaron? How are they?

Trish: they are good.... you seem interested in Zak, Nick and Aaron

Lita: yeah because they seem a lot of fun

Trish: well you are correct Lita

Lita: really?

Trish: *nods* I found out that Aaron has his own vlogs

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