The girls ask the boys

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Trish's POV

I woke up this morning due to Lita opening the bathroom door I sighed and Lita rolled her eyes.

Trish: ugh do I have to get up?

Lita: yes of course

Trish: *sighs* ok

I got out of bed and walked in the bathroom then I took a shower when I came out of the shower I got changed into *picture below*

I got out of bed and walked in the bathroom then I took a shower when I came out of the shower I got changed into *picture below*

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I had my hair straight and black heeled boots then I walked out of the bathroom I saw Lita waiting for me.

Trish: ready?

Lita: *nods* let's go

Before we could walk out of the room there was a knock at the door I answered it to reveal Jeff.

Jeff: hey girls

Trish: hi Jeff

Lita: hey Jeff

Jeff: can I talk to Lita....alone?

Trish: sure I need to talk to Matt

Jeff: why?

Trish: it is between me and him

Jeff: okay

I then walked out of the room and made my way to the Hardyz hotel room.

End of POV

Matt's POV

Me and my brother woke up early to start this idea of mine.

Matt: remember Jeff you ask Lita if Trish likes you more than a friend

Jeff: and you ask Trish if Lita likes you more than a friend

Matt: *nods*

Jeff: see you later

Jeff walked out of the room and headed to the girls hotel room then after 10 minutes there was a knock on the door I opened the door to reveal Trish she smiled.

Matt: hi Trish if you want Jeff then he has just gone

Trish: I know I saw him

Matt: oh.....come in

Trish: thank you

Trish walked in the room and I closed the door and Trish stood behind me.

Matt: so what brings you here?

Trish: I want to ask you a question

Please tell me she hasn't found out our crushes on them.

Matt: what would that be?

Trish: do you like Lita more than a friend?

They had the same plan as me and Jeff.

Trish: Matt?

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