A few days later

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Jeff's POV

Lately Mickie and Candice have been acting strange but me and my brother shrug it off.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I just had a match anyway I was walking down the corridor to meet up with Lita but I accidently tripped and someone caught me I was hoping it wouldn't be a Hardy but that didn't happen it was Jeff who caught me.

Trish: thanks 

Jeff: no problem

I then stood up properly and walked away. 

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I walked out of the lunch room and someone tripped I saved the person and I saw it was Trish she thanked me but when I saved her it reminded me of our high school years someone tripped her up and I was there to save her. 

Then she walked away I sighed and I watched as she left when she turned the corner I walked back to my locker room my brother should be in there while Mickie and Candice are either in their locker room, not here yet or in a match.

*Outside the Hardyz locker room*

I walked inside and saw my brother on his phone.

Matt: *looks up* what's wrong?

Jeff: nothing just saved Trish from falling

Matt: you have been acting strange ever since you saw that guy near Trish

Jeff: have not 

Matt: you sorta have Jeff you have gone back to the way you were remember when they started to bad mouth us 

Jeff: umm 

Matt: you can not be serious

Jeff: you have been acting the same with Lita 

Matt: don't turn this around on me

Jeff: I will do what I want 

End of POV

Mickie's POV

Me and Candice are in our locker room since we share ours anyway we have Edge and Johnny Nitro with us. I have Edge sitting next to me and Johnny is sitting by Candice. 

Johnny: so how is it going with you and the Hardyz?

Candice: I just want to scream 

Mickie: it can be so annoying 

Edge: when will you break up with them?

Candice: soon and we will tell them that we were dating you behind their backs

Mickie: the way that we cope is that I think Jeff is you Edge

Edge: *smiles*

Candice: yeah and I think Matt is you Johnny 

Johnny: *smiles*

We snuggled close to the boys and they smiled.

End of POV

Lita's POV

I am in mine and Trish's locker room and I was on my phone then Trish's phone dinged I checked the ID it was Zak and then the door opened.

Trish: what's wrong?

Lita: Zak has texted you

Trish: finally

Lita: what?

Trish: he always texts me once he is either at home or he has finished an investigation

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