The next day

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Trish's POV

Me and Lita woke up early and we both got ready for the day ahead of us and I wonder who my opponent will be I don't even know who the divas are in the triple threat all Vince told me was that there is gonna be a number one contenders triple threat match.

I have to be at ringside though to see who wins so that is gonna be fun anyway right now we are waiting for the boys because they texted us this morning that they will come by our hotel room to pick us up I got a text off Jeff and Lita got a text off Matt we got them at the same time.

Lita: let's talk about that triple threat match

Trish: what about it?

Lita: do you know who the 3 divas that are in the triple threat match today?

Trish: nope never told me all Vince told me was that there was a number 1 contenders triple threat match and I have to sit at ringside to watch.

Lita: oh

Trish: it annoyed me when he said that like it's my title I should know who is in the match

Lita: I know but that's Vince for you

Trish: true

Lita: the boys are near

Trish: how do you know?

Lita: well while you were so much in thought I got a text off Matt saying that he and Jeff are close to our hotel room and they won't be long now.

Trish: okay 

Me and Lita carried on talking about anything until a knock at the door interrupted us I opened the door and it was the boys we smiled and then walked out from the hotel and got into Matt's rental car and he drove us to the arena.

*Outside the arena*

Matt pulled up outside the arena we all got out and headed inside.

Trish: I have to go

Jeff: where?

Trish: there is a triple threat match for the number 1 contender for my title and I have been told that I have to be down at ringside so I am gonna find out which divas are gonna be in this match

Lita: okay

Trish: Lita could you take my ring gear?

Lita: sure

I gave my ring gear bag to Lita and walked off. 

*Outside Vince's office*

I knocked on the door and I heard him shout "come in!" I walked in and he looked up and smiled.

Vince: Trish what can I do for you?

Trish: Vince I want to know which 3 divas are gonna be in this triple threat 

Vince: you will have to see

I sighed.

Trish: ok

Vince: by the way that match is next so you better grab your title and head down to the ring

Trish: *nods*

I walked out of the room and headed to my locker room.

*Outside Trish and Lita's locker room*

I walked in the room and saw Lita wearing her ring gear I was confused.

Trish: what?

Lita: hey Trish did you find out the 3 divas?

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