planning for Jeff to ask Trish out

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Jeff's POV

Matt and Lita told me and Trish that they are dating and we are happy for them anyway right now I am in my locker room on my own since Matt is with Lita in their locker room while Trish is in a match but I don't know her opponent.

I was too much in thought that I didn't notice my brother in front of me I snapped back to reality and saw Lita walk in they both sat in front of me.

Jeff: what's up?

Lita: when are you gonna ask Trish out?

Jeff: wait what?

Lita: don't lie we know you like her 

Jeff: I don't know when I will ask her out 

Matt: we can help you 

Lita: *nods*

I thought about it I might ask her out tonight but as I was about to reply the door opened and in walked Trish.

Trish: thought I would see you in here Lita

Lita: what's wrong?

Trish: we need to talk 

Lita: oh 

Lita's eyes then went wide and she grabbed Trish and they walked out of the room. I looked at my brother and he shrugged his shoulders.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I had a call from Zak and I decided to call for Lita when we were out of the Hardyz locker room we headed to our locker room.

Lita: what's wrong?

Trish: I just answered a FaceTime call from Zak and I thought you would want to see how he is

Lita: great

Me and Lita got to our locker room I saw Zak still on call when he saw us.


Zak: hey girls

Trish: hey Zak

Lita: hey Zak

Zak: I heard about you and Matt and I want you to know that I am happy for you 

Lita: awe thank you

Zak: Nick and Aaron are happy for you as well

Lita: thanks 

Trish: how are you?

Zak: we're alright  how are you two?

Trish: we're good  

Zak: that's good 

Trish: what did you want to talk about?

Zak: I wanted to see how you two are since we haven't spoke in a while 

Trish: I know we have been busy

Zak: I have heard

Trish: *smiles*

Lita: how is your investigation going?

Zak: we have the investigation tonight so hopefully we will get good evidence 

Trish: I know you will just don't irritate them or else you will get hurt like last time

Zak: I know

Nick: don't worry Trish we will make sure he doesn't go over the top

Trish: thanks 

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