A few weeks later

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Trish's POV

Me and Lita are in the lunch room talking with Tori and Jillian we were on about Tori's match and Jillian was explaining how the divas locker room has been while we were in the hospital.

Jillian: me and Tori had better go

Tori: yeah we have a match

Lita: good luck

Trish: good luck girls

Tori: thanks

Jillian: thanks we might need it

They walked out of the room and when they were gone me and Lita carried on talking with a drink in our hands.

Lita: so after the show what are you doing?

Trish: I don't know I might just stay at the hotel

Lita: same since there isn't much to do

Trish: true

Lita: I think the guys have seen what we have done

Trish: yeah I think they have because they have been with their girlfriends lately

Lita: they can't be mad at us for it can they?

Trish: I'm not sure really

Lita: we better check if everything is okay

Trish: you can do that while I am in my match now

Lita: okay but I will wait for you because I want to watch your match

Trish: thanks Lita

I walked away from Lita and got ready for my match then I headed to the curtain and I saw Stacy at the curtain is already there.

Stacy walked out from the curtain and did whatever I wasn't paying attention.

Announcer: this title match is set for one fall first on her way to the ring....Stacy Keibler!

She got in the ring and did whatever I wasn't bothered I just want this match over with.

I walked out from the curtain and pointed to the crowd with a smile.

Announcer: and her opponent from Toronto Canada she is the women's champion.....Trish Stratus!

I got in the ring and pointed to the crowd with another smile I gave the ref my title and he gave it to someone at ring side and then I stood in front of her the bell rang and then we started.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and my brother think we have done something to Trish and Lita since they don't talk to us well that and because Mickie and Candice won't let us out of their sight so basically they are with us every hour of each day well besides when we are in a match or in the hotel.

Matt: you okay?

Jeff: not really

Matt: what's wrong?

Jeff: I just don't get how Mickie and Candice think it is okay to spend every hour with us

Matt: I know Jeff I'm not keen on it either and I think Trish and Lita think they have done something wrong

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