Chapter One.

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<Rose's Point Of View>


I hate this.

I really, fucking hate this.

What is 'this,' you ask?
This, is swimming. Why do I hate swimming, you ask? Well, long story, but for now, I'm just gonna try and talk my way out of this. Again.

"Sir, I um -I forgot my swimsuit." I tell my gym teacher, Mr Hammonds.
"Really, Rose?"
Ugh, I hate that name. Gross. My name is Ross, not R--
"Are you even listening to me?"
I blink and look up. No, I wasn't, I was too busy ranting because I am not. Freaking. Rose! I a--
"Rose!" Mr Hammonds growls agitatedly, snapping me out of yet another rant.

"I uh, sorry sir. I uhm-- what were you saying?" I stutter. I have to admit, being the big muscly brute he is, Mr Hammonds can be quite intimidating when he's angry.
"I was saying, that this'll be your fifth withdrawal this week, keep it up and you'll be getting a detention." He said as he filled out my yellow withdrawl slip.
"Sorry Sir, wont happen again." I mumble as he shoves the yellow paper into my hand and stalks off to go yell at the other students.

I'm so glad for Farren that he didn't get this class. He would have hated Mr Hammonds just as much as I do, if not more. Hmpfh, Farren. I wonder what he's doing right now. I decide to take a detour from my path to the withdrawal room and go see for myself.


Me: Hey douchebag, I'm at the side of your math class, see me?
Sent 12:37pm

Farren: Hey, yeah, saw you ages ago. You're so awkward you know? It's like you don't know how you should stand.
Received 12:38pm

Farren: Anyways, what's up? Shithead Hammonds withdraw you again?
Received 12:38pm

Me: Yup.
Sent 12:38pm

Farren: Why? And hold up, Sir's watching me now.
Received 12:40pm

Me: Yeah, saw that. And its because I didn't want to swim, so I told him I forgot my swimsuit, again. Not entirely a lie.
Sent 12:40pm

Farren: K, we're good now. And you never want to swim. What's up with that anyway? Why do you litterally never want to swim? Swimming is fun you know? Wait, you do know how to swim, right?
Received 12:44pm

Me: 🤦‍♂️ Yes, I can swim, dumbass, remember I won that race in primary school?
Sent 12:45pm

Farren: Then why don't you swim? And yes I remember, you only did it because the teacher made everyone compete. You tried everything you could to get out of it. You even told your mom you were sick, that was a hilariously bad lie. 😂 Anyway, why?
Received 12:47pm

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