Copyright and Disclaimer:

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All rights reserved. Rights to this book belong specifically to me, Evan, the author. Unless you have legal authorisation from me you may not copy, print, or steal this book in any way, shape or form.

All characters and events in this story are fictional, purely sourced from the imagination of the author. Any similarities to real life events and people are 100% coincidental. Except for the name of the town, I may or may not have gotten that idea from Skyrim. ;) There are actual song lyrics from actual songs throughout the story. If you wish to copyright me for those lyrics may I first point out the countless other stories on Wattpad featuring copyrighted song lyrics. If you still wish to try, go ahead, be my guest.

Yes, parts of this story may end up seeming similar to the NZ film "Hunt for the Wilderpeople." That is not my intention. But now that I look back on my ideas, parts of the story do seem quite similar.

Warning: This story contains swearing, transgender issues, transphobia, homophobia, LGBT+, anti-Christianity references, abuse and sexual references etc. Viewer discretion is advised.

Side notes:

- There's an update schedule posted "monthly-ish" on my announcements page.

- There will be authors notes at the end of each chapter. Which will be removed when the story is fully completed and edited.

- I am gratefully accepting covers. Cause as you can see by the current cover, my editing skills are.. below average compared to some of you. So I might pick one of your covers for the official one when the book is officially edited and "published" etc. Please send any covers to me via email at [] .
ALL covers I receive will be shown at the start of a chapter and credit will be given to the creator. So please include your username or something in the email.

- I would also be incredibly flattered and grateful for fanart. So if you like then yeah, go ahead and create some!. Send it to me via gmail and you will get acknowledged in a chapter!

- Also if there's a lot of fanart or cover submissions I might pick like... a top 3, and they'll get a follow from me and some of my friends.

for your consideration. Now, on with the story!

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