Chapter 5

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To mom and dad I say goodnight until the morning

I really hope that they can dream again not knowing

Of how the night is burning brightly in my head.

The whole day she couldn't get the thought of them meeting as soon as the sun goes down. She would get so excited when she would think about how he touched her body last night. His long strong fingers traveling across her shoulders and collar bones making her shiver. The feeling of his soft full lips touching her hand. She could only imagine them kissing her lips. She suddenly smiled while sipping a cup of tea.

"Is my little princess already in love?" Sarah would tease her. Y/N's cheeks became deep shade of red as she almost choked on her tea. She couldn't already be in love with him. They have just met.

"O-of course not!" Y/N answered embarrassed covering her face with her hands. Sarah just chuckled and sipped the last drop of her tea.

"Yeah, right. When is he coming?" She looked at Y/N with a smirk.

"I don't know. The letter just said tonight." Y/N sighed and left her cup on the table. They were sitting outside on her balcony. The day was beautiful, perfect for enjoying the sun and chatting with friends. That's why Countess came to young princess Y/N. Well, she came because Y/N sent her the letter to come to her so they can talk about the last night. Her parents, the king and the queen, had a very important meeting on the other side of the town today so she was all alone in her palace. Prince Park, her fiancé, wasn't there either. He had some important business in his palace. This was a real relief for Y/N, there was no one to order her around and she could finally tell someone about the way she feels. She glanced at her garden full of blood red roses that were growing there. She could barely go there, since her parents were very strict about her leaving the house. There were guards everywhere around the castle. But last night Hoseok made sure that the unexpected visitors have safe way out. She didn't even know about his relationship with Namjoon and the rest, but she didn't know a lot of things about her staff. They, on the other hand, knew a lot about her. Her maid knows various secrets of hers but she keeps them hidden from the king and the queen. Sometimes the parents don't need to know everything about their children. But her parents didn't care anyways. All that they care about is that she behaves well. She wasn't sure what would happen if she by any chance broke any of their rules.

"You will tell me everything tomorrow when you come to my place." Sarah smiled and winked at her. Y/N giggled and smiled back.

"How about you and Jungkook? Are you two going to see each other?" Y/N asked knowing that she has a thing for him.

"We'll see about that. But he is cute. I might even see him even today." Her pale cheeks became a bright shade of pink. At least she didn't have parents to dictate her. She was living by herself since her parents died while protecting the kingdom years ago. Still, she is one of the most optimistic people Y/N knows.

After a couple of hours chatting with her, examining the things that happened last night, Sarah left and the bright sky started to turn dark. Soon, he will come. Y/N dressed into a tight white dress that showed off her neck and shoulders. It was tight around her breasts and waist. The hems of the dress were touching the ground. She was sitting in her bed in anticipation, shaking from the thought of him. She didn't realize when something hit her window. Quickly, she got up and ran towards it opening it widely. It was a small stone that hit her window; it was lying down on her balcony floor. She came to the fence of the balcony and looked down. The beautiful male figure was standing in the middle of her garden. His silver hair was shining under the moonlight. Wide smile appeared on his face when he saw her on her balcony. He is really here, he came. Her heart was pounding like crazy.

"Come here! I will put the ladder so you can come down." He whispered and did as he said. Carefully, she was going down ladder by ladder. When she was a few steps from the ground his hands got around her waist bringing her onto the ground in his hug. "I missed you, princess."

"I missed you too." They were both smiling from ear to ear. They took each other by their hands and went deeper into the garden.

"I haven't seen these roses in forever!" Y/N exclaimed touching one crimson red rose with both her palms.

"What do you mean by that? They don't even let you go into your own garden?" Namjoon asked shocked rising his eyebrows. Y/N shook her head. "Wow, that must be tough, not being able to go outside." His voice became sad.

"Yeah... But I got used to it."

"I want to get to know you, Y/N." His voice was so angelic when he said her name. She got goose bumps all over her body.

"As soon as you meet me, you'll wish that you never did. You know how dangerous this is. Who knows what my parents are capable of?" She wanted to get to know him as well, but is it worth the consequences? He knew it very well too, but he wanted this to succeed. They have to believe in this, if they don't then they will never be.

"Princess, I promise to protect you from whatever happens. If we believe we can do whatever we want." Namjoon sat on the ground and tapped the place next to him. She sat on the place he tapped with a sigh.

"You don't understand. I am engaged." She almost forgot about that little detail.

"I know that, but do you love him? From what I saw last night, you don't seem much interested." That was a good assumption. She really disliked her fiancé. He was all around with the other girls last night. If she marries him, is he going to be with other girls all the time? "From the look on your face, I believe I'm right. I have some sort of feeling for you, Y/N. It might not be love, but if we cherish these emotions they can grow into something bigger." He was speaking like a true intellectual. That's the one she wants to be with, someone who understands and is on the same intellectual level as her.

"But what if it doesn't become love? What if we are risking everything for nothing?" Again she wasn't able to believe him. She was going against what she really wanted, and what she wanted was to hug him and kiss those full lips of his with all energy she's got. They are just strangers, however, with a same hunger for touch and love. With the same hunger for any kind of emotion. She's never felt so much adrenalin in her life, not once. This new feeling was what she wanted all this time.

"Please, let me show you that it will be worth it." His warm big hand was now holding her small and cold one.

"Then I want you to promise me to love me now. Now or never." She gave in. Her feelings took over her.

"I promise you that I will love you with everything I've got." He said looking Y/N directly in the eyes and this time she believed every single one of his words.

"Good." Y/N said and leaned closer to Namjoon kissing his lips passionately under the light of the moon and thousands of stars.

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