"Well I guess I should start getting ready for this party," Stacie said excitedly.

"Yeah, I should go back to my room and change I suppose." The blonde started to get up from her spot.

"No need, just barrow something of mine, I have a variety of clothes, trust me." Stacie got up and quickly walked over to her closet.

"Oh no, I don't want to be a bother." The blonde frowned.

"Be a bother to who, sorry?" The other woman smiled as she opened her closet door revealing a ton of clothing.

"Oh, wow you weren't kidding." Aubrey's jaw dropped.

"Why don't you look through what I have and find something you like, while I have a quick shower?"

"Sounds good," Aubrey smiled. Stacie nodded her head and quickly removed her shirt; she slowly headed towards the bathroom, when she reached the door she turned around so that she was now facing the blonde.

"I'll try not to be too long," she winked before turning around again and closing the door behind her. Aubrey sat there silently, jaw dropped as she was comprehending the image of the brunette's beautiful breasts in her mind.


Chloe was searching through her wardrobe throwing her clothes left and right.

"Seriously, how is it possible I can't find a single thing to wear?" She let out a frustrated scoff.

"Babe, you have tons of stuff to wear, you're just being picky. Anything you own looks good on you, why are you worrying so much?" Beca sighed as she fell onto the red head's bed. "We have to leave soon, you've yet to shower, and you still haven't picked an outfit." The shorter woman grabbed her head in agony. "Just pick something please,"

"I can't find anything I like that'll look sexy on me," Chloe whined.

"Why are you trying to look sexy? Do you intend on picking someone up?" The DJ raised a questioning eyebrow.

"What? No, I just want to look good for you," Chloe continued to search through her clothing, thankful her back was towards her girlfriend. Beca shook her head and quickly got up from the red head's bed; she slowly approached the girl from behind and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Stop being stupid, you always look good to me," Beca whispered into the red head's ear, sending butterflies through her stomach. "Just pick something so you can shower, and we can go. We're supposed to meet Stacie in thirty minutes, and you know how long it takes you to get ready." Beca smirked against the other woman's neck, kissing her softly. Chloe let out an approving moan as she turned around so that she was now face to face with her girlfriend.

"This is the exact reason why I love you," she smiled before pressing their lips together.

"Mm, is it because I'm incredibly irresistible?" Beca whispered against the other woman's lips.

"No because deep down inside, hiding under all that charm and bad ass personality, you're actually the sweetest and cutest person I know," Chloe laughed when she saw the DJ wrinkle her nose.

"I'm not cute," the brunette pouted.

"Whatever you say babe," The red head winked. "I'm going to go have a quick shower, I'll be right back." She said giving the DJ a quick kiss and heading towards the bathroom. "Don't miss me too much," she flicked her hand giving the girl a wave before closing the door behind her.

Lies and Deception Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora