"Nah. Demetri has been bugging me all day, but he's just mad that I was able to get out of the castle with you," Felix said. "He's stuck in trial, apparently there's a weak shield that Master Aro is working on cracking but hasn't been able to yet. They've been at it for hours."

"That's rough," I said sympathetically as the food I ordered was set in front of me. "Tell him I said hello."

"Sure," Felix said. "Food any good? The secretary recommended it."

I took one bite, then another, before responding. "Yeah, it's great. I'll have to thank her."

"It's raining again," Jane observed, her chin propped on her hand as she stared out the window. The rain, which started coming down in torrents, sent pedestrians running for cover.

"I'm going to have Santiago check the weather radar," Felix said. "I don't like how light these clouds are looking"

"Isn't he in trial too, since you're gone?" I asked.

"Damn it."

I craned my neck to look up at the clouds outside. "I think we'll be okay, it doesn't look like the rain is planning on stopping any time soon."

"It better not," Jane grumbled.

"You know, I actually missed the rain. I honestly didn't think that I would."

"The weather here isn't usually very rainy," she said. "Do you not like the sun?"

"Oh, I do. But I've gotten so used to cloudy, rainy days that I miss it," I said, finishing the rest of my food. "Where are we going next?"

"Well, you probably have a sufficient wardrobe now, considering how many shops we visited this morning. Is there anything else you wanted?" Jane asked as Felix went up to pay the bill.

"Bookstore?" I suggested, never one to pass the opportunity to buy a new book. Combine that with the two second-hand bookstores I had seen during our trip and I was itching to visit.

"Sounds good," Felix said as he walked up. "I'm going to go grab the car."

"You'll get soaked, we can wait a few minutes," I told him.

Surprise crossed his features; he looked startled at my consideration. "Really, it's fine."

"Just wait, Felix. A few minutes won't kill us. It looks like the rain is starting to slow already, see? Give it a couple more minutes and it'll probably just be a drizzle."

He shrugged at sat back down. "Very well."

I was right, and several minutes we were all able to walk outside without fear of getting soaked to the bone. Felix grimaced as two children raced by, squealing and laughing as they jumped in the puddles left behind by the rain.

"Not a big fan of kids?" I asked him.

One side of his mouth turned upwards into an expression of wry amusement. "Yes. I'm not overly fond of children as a whole. They're loud and messy."

"What about Jane?" I asked.

Jane fixed him with an intense look that was closer to a glare, and Felix raised his hands in a surrendering gesture. "I don't consider Jane to be a child. Technically, she's older than me."

She seemed satisfied by this answer. I grinned. "So back a while ago, Marcus mentioned that you guard have a movie night. When is it and how can I get in on it?"

"Movie night is usually once a week, and it's tomorrow night at eight. Just come into the guard lounge, and bring popcorn if you want it," Felix said. "We're going to be watching Predator."

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