Chapter 7: Jealousy Gets You Nowhere

Start from the beginning

"Hmm. Sure! I'm down!" Kai said smiling.

"Sounds fun!" Natalie said smiling.

"I'm always down for a party!" Lauren said smiling.

"Sure! This sounds fun!" Desiree said smiling.

"Shit, I'm down!" Brendan said smiling.

"Sweet! Do you guys have costumes already?" I asked.

"Oh my god! We need costumes! Let's do a last minute shopping trip!" Kai said smiling.

"I'll drive" Brendan said.

We all grabbed our things, and left the house. We went outside and hopped into Brendan's Escalade and he drove us to the nearest Party City to look for costumes.

"What are you guys gonna be?" I asked smiling.

"Us girls agreed to be dead nurses!" Desiree said smiling.

"Cool! What are you gonna be, Kai?" I asked smiling.

"I wanna be the beer guy from The Simpsons" Kai said smiling.

"I like that idea! What about you, Brendan?" I asked smiling.

"Hm. I'm probably gonna be a cowboy!" Brendan said smiling.

"Sounds awesome!" I said smiling.

"What are you gonna be, Julian?" Lauren asked smiling.

"I'm gonna be a farmer!" I said smiling.

"That's cute! Kai is gonna flip!" Natalie said smiling.

"Natalie!" Kai said nervously.

"I doubt that. I'm just a basic farmer" I said smiling.

"You never know, Jules!" Lauren said smiling.

The car stopped as we arrived to Party City to get our costumes and materials. I found myself a straw hat, and some overalls, and the girls found fake blood, and knives for their costumes, while Brendan found an outlaw costume which included everything an outlaw needs, including a fake gun, and Kai found his costume.

The next day, on Halloween night...

Trey's POV

So me and a couple of friends just finished setting up the party for tonight. I think this party is gonna turn out well, and I hope Julian comes. He would make the party so much better. People are coming in slowly but surely, and I can't wait for Julian to come... If he's coming. I was standing by the door, and I noticed that around 9:30, Julian came in with Kai, another guy, and three other girls.

"Julian! You made it!" I yelled over the loud music.

"Hi, TJ! How are you?!" Julian yelled back to me.

"I'm better, now that you're here!" I said smiling.

"Oh, TJ! These are all my roommates! You already know Kai. This is Brendan, Desiree, Natalie, and Lauren!" Julian said.

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