Chapter 32

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Molly's POV

I climb through my bedroom window and move across the dark room silently. I turn on the light then move over to my closet. I kneel down and rummage through the piles of clothes on the ground until I find the bag with my Psyche clothes. I swallow hard and pull it out. I carefully take my leather pants, jacket, and shirt out, get changed into the familiar outfit, and stand in front of my mirror, staring at myself. I take a shaky breath and close my eyes, focusing on my powers. Nothing. Dammit. I squeeze my eyes closed harder, scrunching up my nose. I can do this. Still nothing. I give up, opening my eyes again.

"Who's th- Molly?" Michael breathes out. I see his shoulders relax in the mirror. I turn around and stare at him, unsure of what to do or say.

"I was just-"

He nods, cutting me off, "I know. Come here." He opens his arms. I rush forward, gripping the back of his shirt in my fists. I bury my face in his shirt, sniffling softly. Michael holds me close, rubbing my back gently. "Get changed into some pajamas, Molly." I nod and let go of him. I wipe my eyes and grab sweats and tee shirt off of the floor. I walk out of my room and across to the bathroom to get changed.

When I get back to my room, I throw my Psyche clothes back into my closet before climbing onto my bed beside Michael. I lean against him, staring at the wall.

"Why are you over here?" I inquire, breaking the silence.

"All of us are over here," Mikey tells me, "We've all been out looking for you the past couple days. Ever since you went missing. I think Jack and Ben are downstairs with Luke, Cal, and Ash. KayKay, Crys, and Sierra have been staying in Luke's room and your parents have been staying in the guest room Ben and Jack were in. They went back to the hotel earlier though because they needed some fresh clothes. Jesus you scared the fuck out of us, Molly. We were terrified that you went to try to fight Shockwave or some stupid shit like that to try to get your powers back."

"I was waiting to try to find her," I admit, making him flick the back of my head, "I'm sorry for worrying you guys so much and running away and everything." I sit up, wiping my eyes furiously, "God I've fucked everything up."

"Hey, hey," he soothes, "That's not true Molly. I mean it. None of this is your fault. It's Shockwave's bullshit that she's dragged you into. I promise it's okay. Alright?" I nod slightly, still wiping tears away. "Come here, Molly." Michael holds me again, kissing the top of my head.

"What did Crystal say?" I question, my head resting against his chest.

Michael laughs, "She thinks you're even more badass now. But she's sorry that she found out this way. So is KayKay." I nod, yawning. My eyes droop closed as I fall into the first decent sleep I've had in days.

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