Chapter 12

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Molly's POV

"Which makes it look less like we're on a date?" I joke, "Sitting across from each other or next to each other." Calum pats the seat beside him. I slide into the booth, my hip touching his. I grin as he smiles down at me. I grab a French fry and hold it out to him. Calum accepts it, still smiling down at me.

"You're so fucking cute," he tells me, "Wow."

"Fuck off," I mumble, giggling as I hide my face in his shoulder, "I mean it Calum."

Calum laughs, "What if I don't, cutie?" He pinches my side gently, making me squirm.

"I'm gonna fucking fight you, Hood. Don't make me kick your ass. You know I will."

"God I love you," he says, staring at my face. Both of our eyes grow wide.

"You do?" I ask, my stomach flipping nervously. He grabs my hand under the table, squeezing it tight.

"Yeah, I do," Calum answers, chewing his bottom lip.

"I love you too, Calum," I confess, a smile on my face. He leans down and kisses me. I smile wider against his lips.  We break away, still staring at each other.

"So where does Luke think you are right now? Felix's?"

I groan, "Way to kill the mood, Cal. Last night he asked if my plans for today were going on a date with my boyfriend." Calum chokes on his drink. "He thinks I'm dating Felix for some stupid ass reason. He has no clue about us, baby."

"Does Felix know about us?" He continues, eating fries. I shake my head no. "I think Felix likes you, babe."

I laugh loudly, "I know you're wrong."

"How? Did you two talk about it?"



"Felix is interested in police work, superheroes, and guys. Not me. Is someone jealous?" I taunt, cocking an eyebrow at him.

Calum's cheeks heat up, "No."

"You are so," I giggle, "Why? We've been dating for six months, silly."

He sighs, holding me against his body, "I just get insecure. I mean, nobody knows about us, and Luke is constantly making jokes about Felix being your boyfriend, and it makes me nervous because I know that you tell him almost everything, and I panic, even though I know I don't have to and shouldn't, then you and Felix are always hanging out together an-"

I kiss him, cutting off his rambling, "I love you, Calum. You." He grins and kisses me again, his hand gripping my thigh. I whimper against his lips and pull away from him, "You know I still have a few hours of freedom before Luke will start texting. Do you wanna go back to your place?" He pulls away from me.

"Molly," he starts, his voice shaking.

I groan, leaning my head against the back of the booth, "Here we go again."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means we've been doing this same dance for months, Calum. I mention your place or anything related to sex, and you clam up and back off of me. Why?"

"I really don't want to have this conversation."

"Is it because you know I'm going to win?" I challenge, "I'm not a baby, Calum. I'm eighteen. You're twenty-one. What's the problem?"

"Molly, I'm no-" My phone beeps, cutting him off. I look down and groan. Psyche shit.

"Looks like you win this one," I say, my voice hard as I grab my bag, "I have to go do superhero shit. But don't you dare think this conversation is over, Hood."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, you don't have your super speed or hearing," he reminds me. I lean over and kiss him. Calum kisses me back, holding onto my hand tightly again.

"I'll be fine, babe. If Luke asks, I've been on patrol all afternoon."

"Go kick their ass, babe," Calum tells me grinning. I give him one last smile then rush back to the bathroom to get changed and hopefully find a window I can escape through.

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