Chapter 5

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Luke's POV

"So Luke?" Mum calls. I look back at her. "What's Molly up to? What are her big plans?"

I shrug, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Dad repeats.

"She's probably going to see a movie or something with her friend Felix. I don't push her to tell me everything. I trust Molly. She's a good kid and doesn't need me breathing down her neck twenty four seven." Sierra leans on my chest, watching the television.

"It's just nice to know where she is in case something happens. Molly is just a teenager, and LA is a big place," mum defends.

"Molly can defend herself. Trust me." Michael, Calum, Ashton, and I exchange a knowing glance and a small smirk.


"Psyche's on!" Michael exclaims, cutting off my dad. He turns the television up louder.

"It's so cool that you guys have a superhero here," Jack sighs, leaning on the back of the couch.

"Have you guys ever met her? She seems so cool," Ben agrees. Crystal laughs loudly at the question.

"If you listen to Michael," she starts, "Psyche's saved their asses about fourteen million times."

"It's true!" He defends, pouting at his girlfriend.

"We just end up in the same place at the same time. And it was mostly back when she first showed up a few years ago. She hasn't had to save us in a few years," Calum explains, choosing his words carefully, "Tremor's goons were really prominent around the part of the city we used to live in, so we'd run into each other more."

"Maybe she's just a 5SOS fan," KayKay suggests.

"It sounds like it," Sierra agrees. I smile down at her, biting down on my lip.

"Hey, what's going on there? Why do they have fog machines?" Jack asks me, making me look back at the television screen. My smile fades completely. The small stage that they were holding a small ceremony on was blown up. People are running in all directions and shouting. There are piles of rubble smoking or still on fire.

"-some sort of violent attack. Sources are claiming earthquakes, similar to what we used to experience with Tremor-" Psyche appears on the television screen, her entire body flowing bright blue. Her hands are curled into fists as she emerges from the smoke and rubble. She looks around, spots something off screen, and screams before super speeding towards whatever it is.

"Holy shit," dad breathes out as we all stare at the screen.

"Shockwave!" Molly's voice calls out, "Is that you asshole?"

"Shockwave?" KayKay repeats, a frown on her face, "Do you think this person is trying to mimic Tremor?" Her eyes are full of fear. She grips Ashton's hand tightly. Psyche collapses to the ground as Shockwave makes the ground shake beneath her. Part of a building collapses, falling on top of Molly. She stops. I lean forward slightly, my stomach turning nervously. I can still see her back rising and falling slightly. She's still alive. Calum is nervously chewing on his lip.

"Get up. Get up. Get up," I say to the television. Michael bites his lip, his eyes glued to the screen.

"This is fucking insane," Ben chokes out. Psyche's blue glow grows brighter before the rubble explodes into tiny pieces. They fly everywhere. She gets back up, badly hurt. She stumbles forward, clutching her torso. She has a huge gash on her forehead. Blood glistens on her lips.

"I'll see you again soon, Psyche. I'm not done with you yet," Shockwave promises. The ground violently shakes again. Dirt and debris float in the air, causing a shield around Shockwave. She vanishes in the dust. More and more buildings start to crumble around Psyche and civilians. I see the tiredness and pain in Molly's eyes as she forces her arms up, the blue energy glowing brighter as it moves to surround the buildings and the people. My poor sister.

"They're gonna start closing roads down soon," Michael notes, a frown on his face, "We might want to start heading home soon." Crystal nods. The two of them, Ash, KayKay, and Calum all get up. They say goodbye, then leave.

"You guys should head to the restaurant," I tell my parents and brothers, "Sierra and I will wait here for Molly and bring her once she gets back. She should be here soon. That way they'll save the table and everything."

"Maybe we should just wait and go together," mum suggests, looking to dad.

He frowns, "Don't be ridiculous, Liz. Who knows how long Molly will be? They'll bring her." She gives in. The four of them bid us their goodbyes and head outside to their rental car.

"Poor Psyche," Sierra says softly, still staring at the television screen. Molly's gone. It's just emergeny services now. I nod and kiss her forehead, trying to think of a way to explain why Molly came in her window.

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