Chapter 2

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Molly's POV

I wake up to Petunia barking loudly and jumping off of the couch. She tears around the corner, going towards the door. I look around in the dark, my heart thumping loudly. The front door slams closed. I pull my hood up over my head and tie the strings tight. I move toward the door silently, my hands clutched into fists at my sides. I don't activate my powers yet.

A figure turns the corner in the dark. I lunge forward, slamming into their torso. We both tumble to the ground.

"What the fuck Molly?" He groans out. I active my powers. The blue glow illuminates Luke's face.

"Luke!" I yell happily, hugging him tightly, "Why are you back?"

He laughs and hugs me back, "I was gonna surprise you. I missed you Molls."

"I missed you too, Luke," I hold onto my older brother, "I still don't know why you had to scare the shit out of me and Petunia though. You could've called." I move off of him and stand up. Luke follows my lead, turning the light on as well. We move to the living room as he talks.

"I texted you a few times, but you never answered. When I got home and saw the dark house, I figured you were out fighting crime. Or over at Felix's house," he explains, pulling Petunia onto his lap as he sits down.

"I was out earlier. I came back home to check on Petunia. I figured I'd take a nap before heading out again later on tonight," I tell my brother, retaking my seat. I grab my bag of Reese's Cups and open it.

Luke checks his phone and snorts, "Looks like you slept too long to go back out."

"But Luke," I whine.

"You know the rule, Molly," he grins, "No Psyche after one in the morning on school nights." Petunia crawls off his lap and moves to her bed in the corner.

"But it's hardly a school night," I point out, "I graduate in a week. Tomorrow is just the last day of the stupid ass graduation practice they're making us sit through."

"Still counts," Luke shrugs, grinning at me, "What's so important that you need to go out anyways? I thought is was just the everyday basic crime shit right now."

I sigh and lay down, resting my head on Luke's lap, "Apparently not. Chief Owens called Felix while we were on patrol earlier and said that someone named Shockwave sent a message saying to be ready because they're almost ready to strike or something like that."

"One of Tremor's bots?"

"If it is, then it's hella smart. It's hiding from us, thinking for itself, and named itself. They're not usually that independent." He nods, running his fingers through my messy hair.

"I'm sure you guys will figure it out. You always do."

I nod, "Hopefully before graduation. Or even better, before the others fly in. The less of a clue they get about my secret identity, the better."

"So overdramatic," Luke teases, making me hit his arm. "I've got your back. I can help cover for you if you need it."

"Thanks," I mumble, closing my eyes, "I'm glad you're back Luke." He laughs softly and keeps messing with my hair, making me fall fast asleep on his lap.

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