Translated into English, the news anchor said, "Around 1:45 in the morning, Riccardo Stollo was found dead at one of his estates in Triste. Inside the house, about 155 other of his acquaintances were pronounced dead at the scene. Officers are currently looking into this and claiming that they'll host an investigation regarding this mass homicide. More questions were asked but no further ones were answered. We will keep you guys updated on our news website."

I looked at the time. The clock read two minutes away from 2:00 am. News definitely traveled fast.

"Police are investigating?" I asked everyone in the room, wondering if they were concerned.

"They always say that. Don't worry, it'll blow over." Giovanni said, heading inside the bathroom.

"What happened back there? I didn't hear you talking to Stollo." I questioned Marcella.

"I saw Stollo's smiling face and I lost all thought of talking with that bastard," Marcella said, looking up from her phone. Then, she paused and scrunched her eyebrows as she thought. "Wait, did the news say Stollo's dead?"

"Yeah," I said. "He's dead."

"How do you know?" Aiden asked.

"I decided to drive closer to you guys after I heard the gunshots from the house. Then, Nonna and I saw a figure limping down. When we got closer, we realized it was Stollo. He saw us and he started firing his gun at us and I," I paused. I wasn't sure how to phrase what I was going to say next.

"And you?" Gio asked, urging me to finish my sentence. He must have heard me from inside the restroom.

"And I hit him with the car. He didn't die instantly. Matteo's grandmother got out and shot him to death."

They looked at each other nervously. Marcella laid down her hand on my shoulder and asked me, "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head, slowly, "I'm still shaken up but I guess you can say I'm fine."

"Hey, you know what they say, right? The second murder isn't as bad as the first. Nor will the third be, you get used to it as it occurs," Aiden smiled, patting my back.

Giovanni hit him in the gut to shut him up.

"What's the plan now?" I asked.

"We got Matteo back and now all we have to do is wait for the doctor to bring him to us," Marcella said. "All we got to do now is wait."


I woke up to people filling in the room. Immediately, I jumped up from the couch and quickly fixed my hair. I walked up to the group to see it was just nurses that brought Matteo in.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked Aiden, embarrassed.

"We thought you'd like to catch more than five hours of sleep," he said, casually pointing at the clock.

It was currently eight in the morning. Just as fast as the nurses came in, they went out after hooking Matteo up to the machinery. We all surround him. I was on his left side, Marcella and Giovanni were on his right, and Aiden was at his feet.

Matteo had gotten some color back to his skin. Instead of having a twisted expression, he was sleeping peacefully.

"Did the doctor say anything?" I asked.

Marcella nodded and she reported to me, "His arm is broken as well as some of his ribs. He's got some internal bleeding going on around the spleen area. The doctor says he suffered a lot of trauma just about everywhere. Those little fuckers touched every inch of him. He also said something about his breathing, he's going to need an inhaler. He's going to be fine. Right now, Matteo is sleeping off his anesthesia."

The Mafia's DoctorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin