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As i headed downstairs to the kitchen i couldn help but chuckle as i looked at the three of them just starring at each other

Damn I thought they got along well but here they are ( vernon coldly starring at the two and the two back to him)

"Good morning buddies" i grinned as they finally stopped whatever gaze game they were doing and replaced with relief smiles expect of ver

"Good morning" the two said and ver uttered a 'morning' coldly making me chuckle

I kissed mingyu and Joshua's cheek as a morning route of always when one of em stay here and we wake up one of us always kiss the cheek of the other

mingyu just smiled as he is used to it but as it had been along time since josh had stayed here he just grinned remembering the old days

I looked at ver and froze for a moment as he looked at me confusedly before his eyes widened knowing what i was thinking about

I just shook my head and nudged his shoulder as a good morning before sitting beside him

Its too soon to do the normal morning route with him, its awkward

I grinned as i saw the hamburger "thank you chef hong" i said making him chuckle

"Are you guys busy today? Do you want to spend the day together outside maybe in an arcade or a mall?"Mingyu suggested and i excitedly looked at Joshua and ver to see their thoughts

"What do you guys think ? Are you free"i asked as i looked at the two Vernon just shrugged and with a 'yeah whatever you guys want' but josh smiled awkwardly before looking at me

"I would love too buy i dont know i need to talk with my manager though " he smiled sadly

I could feel he truly wanted to spend the day with us, but... he is an idol and a busy one, he doesn't have free time like us

"It's okay oppa, it would be great if your manager agreed and even if he didnt theres always another time we could spend tome" i tried to cheerfully say so his mood wont be down till he is with us

And he nodded as we continued eating

It was all good till josh's phone rang making him tensed as he excused himself and left to the bathroom to pick up the phone

I kind of got worried, his mood changed totally as he looked at the dealer so with lots of arguments towards myself to not follow him but i still did

I nocked twice on the bathroom door before slightly opening it when i didnt get a response

"Hyun i really wont get catch and even if i do its alright cause we are 4 it wont look weird" he sighed as he messed his hair something he always did when he was frustrated , he had his back on me so he didnt quiet see me there

"I know hyun i know what you are worried of. But trust me i need this, a moment to myself to actually feel like a normal boy and enjoy.."

I didnt know if it was alright but I couldn't help it. As i heard the last part 'to actually feel like a normal boy' i got sad and slightly got closed and back hugged him, he tensed probably not expecting me

He turned around and sighed as he hugged me back also

"Arasseo hyun i wont go, i will come back in an hour.
No i dont need the car i will manage. Bye " he said before ending the call with a sigh

I was just looking at his sad form as i was still hugging him,i felt sad for him

He was too busy to ever have fun, i didnt want him to sigh ever or have this sad face on but i didnt even know what to do so i frowned just.. ashamed of myself as his friend

He looked down at me and chuckled slightly before kissing my forehead and resting his head on mine

"Are you okay josh..?" I asked slightly worried

"With you beside me i am" he replied softly

I missed this moments, hugging joshua being with him was just so natural

"Am sorry that i cant stay Chae.. i would have loved too, but you know my job.. they are worried about scandals before our comeback "he said as he broke the hug and intertwined our fingers before looking back at me with a smile

"Why would you be sorry for something that is not up to you?" I smiled as i pinched his cheek making him grin

"Now brighten your grumpy face and lets go to the other two they are probably wondering where we are" i said and he nodded as i pulled him out with myself

Vernon was just eyeing us weirdly meanwhile mingyu just smiled

"Whats up with you two? Are you starting dating or what?" Vernon's question made us froze



"W what the hell you talking bout of course not" i cursed myself for stuttering

Why am I stuttering?!?

I looked up to see joshua grinning which made me frown , i smacked him slightly as i let go of his hand

"You are stuttering, after all these years you finally dated. Should I congratulate you two?" He coldly said making my frown harden "the hell no why would you even think like that?"

"Maybe because we are perfect for each other?" Joshua grinned as he got closer and messed my hair making me groan " i told you to stop messing my hair didnt i!" I groaned as i tided my hair making mingyu and josh chuckle as they continued teasing me

"So it was nice to meet you two again after all these and am sorry that i cant spend the day with you my manager called me and i have to go back to my practices "joshua oppa said as he checked the last text he got and we all stood up to hug and by him goodbye

"I am happy i was able to meet you again bro, and its okay i forgot i had to visit my ceo also so we already cant go " Mingyu smiled wide as he side hugged joshua making me smile and oppa confused due to the sudden hug before smiling wide also as he replied with a me-too bro

I loved that about Mingyu, he was able to grow close with anyone no matter how cold they were towards him

I loved that my two besties were finally close

"It was nice seeing you again punk " ver stated with his normal tone as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck making us chuckle

"It was nice to see you again troublemaker" joshua replied making ver glare at him and this time i couldnt hold in my laugh

I could see Vernon finally could see Joshua in a good way but his ego didn't allow him to act friendly

Mr Non [Chaewon - Joshua -Vernon- Mingyu] Where stories live. Discover now