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I sighed as I walked into the party hand in hand with Mingyu. I was welcomed by ton of familiar faces and I just faked a smile at them. I was searching for Hyemi yet se was nowhere to be seen.

The music was too loud and most of the guests were already drunk, I held oppa's arm and headed to the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of water. I was actually nervous I didn't know how I will talk with Joshua and Hyemi or the others anyway.. Will we be Best friends? Will we be childhood friends? Or we will be just in the statue to say Hello to each other..

"Hey Omg is it really you Chaewon ?? It has been a really long time!" I heard a familiar voice and I turned around to see Sumin yes Sumin..

"Hi Sumin yes it has been a really long time how have you been?" I asked with a friendly tone I actually missed Sumin she didn't leave me like Joshua and Hyemi without reason, she left because she moved to America and I heard she came back a month ago..

"I have been great, been busy with studying you know normal stuff but I see things have gone well for you huh?" she asked with a teasing voice as she looked at Mingyu and I chuckled "Hey it's not like that, we are just friends" I pinched her arm slightly and the three of us laughed. I was really glad that Sumin came we chitchatted and laughed together but that didn't last long, and the shock got me when the stage lights..

"Congratulation to my great friends, me and my members prepared this song as a gift for your engagement. I just can't believe that 3 years had passed from our high school life; Kang Hyemi the dorky girl whom I would always make fun of for always acting like the cool kid is now getting married. Hyemi-ya I really wish you to be happy with S.Coups hyung and this is my gift for you" he said as the music started and everyone started cheering for him, I could see in the corner of my eyes that Hyemi was tearing up. I see that they were in touch all this time; they still remained friends they just left me.

"And I will always be here for you my DEAR U" and with that 'Dear you he ended the song and with the sound of clapping' and the charm of his cherry smile the sad feelings once again came back.

I tried to shake my thoughts away as I looked at Mingyu . "Mingyu-ah lets go to see Hyemi and S.Coups" I said and he nodded as he grabbed my hand I could feel that he did that to make me feel that someone was still there for me, someone wasn't gone.

With each step I took towards them each of the memories came back to me.  Hyemi wasn't that bad we just weren't close anymore she was always busy, busy and busy to the state that we didn't meet anymore.

We stopped as we reached them and I could see Hyemi's eyes shine as she saw us.

"Chaewon !, omg I missed you!" she said as she hugged me tight and I just smiled as I hugged her back. If you missed me you wouldn't avoid me like Joshua.

"Me too, congratulation for your engagement" I said with a smile formed in my face and her cheeks turned slight pink.

The 4 of us talked, mostly the three of them talked because I didn't know how they were now , what interest them now  and how they are now, but sonce Mingyu was still in contact with them he did, even thought he didn't even know them while they were my besties back then but its now me who doesn't know them.

Why I was left behind by them? Why was I the only one who got ignored by them.

Why I should be invited by Mingyu to the party of my bestfriend.

Since when we drifted apart to the point to not have each others number.

It nearly lead me to tears

"aren't I right Chaewon ?" Mingyu asked.

And I snapped back to reality.. I didn't know what he was asking about but I just smiled and nodded.

Mr Non [Chaewon - Joshua -Vernon- Mingyu] Where stories live. Discover now