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"Chaewon!,  oh Vernon? You two met?"

"Oh, you were the transferred kid right?" Vernon asked with his eyebrows furrowed and Mingyu chuckled.

"I have a name dude, Mingyu. I am Mingyu" Mingyu smiled and Vernon glared at him.

"Why do you talk like we are friends?" he asked as he folded his arms and glared at Mingyu meanwhile Chaewon smacked Vernon's head.

"Don't talk with my MinMin like that!" she said and got a smack on her head right away as revenge by Vernon.

"Yaa don't you dare hit me again." Vernon glared and Chaewon chuckled "Okay Mr. Non" Chaewon said and Mingyu chuckled as he remembered the nickname.

"What does Non mean?, *tsk* *tsk* *tsk* you sure like to put nicknames on people" Vernon said as he shook his head in disbelief and they laughed.

"I missed you our little bully Rapper" Chaewon hugged Vernon as she patted his head and Vernon was frozen for seeing another side of Chaewon that he never saw.

They left because Vernon got a chance to debut as a rapper in America, and during the little time Chaewon was like a really Mystery girl for him it was like Chaewon and Vernon were in 2 different Universes.

After 10 seconds Mingyu also Joined the Hug that made Vernon More confused 'why is this boy acting like this?, we never talked in school' he would think. As they tighten the hug Vernon was struggling to escape from the hug yet he pushed both of them away as he yelled in embarrassment "why the hell are you two acting like this?!" and as Mingyu and Chaewon saw Vernon's cheek redden they both burst out in laugher.

"MinMin lets do a Spotlight performance" chaewon winked at Mingyu and he did a thump up as he grabbed his phone and Vernon was confused "what are you two weirdo's up to?" Vernon got ignored and after a seconds or two Vernon's song –Spotlight- was playing and Chaewon was rapping even thought she had wrong lyrics.

"Ya!! Stop it you two" Vernon was controlling himself from laughing as he would watch how the two were moving and laughing as they were rapping.

"I don't remember rapping like this?" Vernon chuckled and it was the first time Chaewon and Mingyu saw him laugh showing all of his teeth.

"we are good aren't we?" Mingyu asked and Vernon just shook his head with a simple answer "Stupids."

"pshhh, anyway Mingyuya how come you came?"

"I was bored so I thought maybe we can watch some movies together" he replied as he rubbed the back   

"great!, I wasn't in any mood anyway so lets go in mama isn't home we can watch movies and NO Sleep YEY~!, you in ver right?"she grinned

"srsly you have no fear? How are you letting 2 boys in your home alone?"his eyes widened and Chaewon just chuckled.

"where is a man? I cant see. C'mon it'll be fun!" She said as she laughed and he just shook his head

Chaewon pov:

He resisted but who are we?
Nobody can escape from MinMin and Chaewon , we dragged him in and oh gosh he is so stubborn he resisted for over 20 minutes how its bad for a girl and boy to stay in one house and blab la bla ~~

It was really fun, I missed him a lot, the three of us played + fought + cooked ramion + watched TV and was awake all the night and falled asleep on the sofa watching tv.

We woke up bye the sound of a camera. Wait- camera?!

I woke up to see mama with camera in her hnds giggling and Mingyu posing meanwhile Vernon was still asleep.

"Mom srsly what are you doing, its embarrassing" I pouted as I hit Vernon to wake up and when he did gosh i wish i could have recorded his reaction he got all red and apologized to my mama about how he shouldnt have stayed the night but didnt know how he fell asleep lmao both me and mingyu were holding back laugher as we looked at him non stop apologizes and my mama not getting any idea whats wrong

"Calm down calm down vernon, its really fine! And i am happy you guys were finally able to meet again and spend time together. Its a normal routine and like mingyu you are also chaewon's frined he always stays the night " my mom tried to assure vernon before she chuckled and went to the kitchen but oh mom how i wished you didnt say the last part of your sentence because vernon just looked at me and mingyu like we were criminals captured at a scene

"You stay the nights alone with chaewon?" He asked mingyu with a glare making him gulp not knowing what to reply

"Y..yeah .? Whats wrong with that...?"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT?!?!? A MAN AND A WOMAN SPENDING NIGH-" i put my hand on his mouth to shut him off because he was just nearly yelling and it was awkward if mama heard it

He got calm as he looked at me, it was weird as we were just inches away our eyes attacked "hansol its not really as bad as you think. MinMin doesnt see me as a girl and we have been together almost everyday " i said as i grabbed his hand assuring him, i was thankful he was worried about me and it was a normal reaction most people give but we are great

"Get Yur hands off ma mouth"i heard him say with furrowed eyebrows and i chuckled as i put my hands between his brows

"How come after all these time i still cant copy you " i said as i tried to copy him seriously furrowing my eyebrows as i did that i saw the side of his lips going up it was so easy to see him stoping himself from smiling

I smiled as i got reassured he was fine and took a step back as i highfived Mingyu nodding my head as a sign to say everything is fine

Mr Non [Chaewon - Joshua -Vernon- Mingyu] Where stories live. Discover now