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Mom drove me to school and gave me my luggage. "I will get going, good bye mom" I said and she nodded "Have fun"
"Goodbye" i grinned as i waved a goodbye to her

I approached my friends and we started talking about the trip till the teacher arrived "Attention!"

"As I always have said, the time we are on our trip you should all enjoy it. If you are feeling sick you should tell me, and you shouldn't leave anywhere without telling me, you shouldn't pick up fights... " gosh Mr. Lee talks too much..

"And smoking and drinking is not available" he said and a smile crept into my face as I saw the boys looking down frowning.


"Chaewon!!, Joshua won first place he has been accepted as a trainee in KG Ent! Isn't he awesome??" Said Hyemi as she run to me while I was washing my hands I chuckled at her actions.

"Yeah" I smiled, I already knew since he texted me when we were in the bus.

"Huh?" she asked confused.

"What?" I folded my arms.

"He won firs place! Hong Joshua won it" she said eyes widened and I just flicked her head.

"I know silly, he texted me earlier" i chuckled as i saw her confused expression

The night came and everyone was playing, Me, Hyemi and Sumin were sitting together.
Hyemi was cleaning her make up, Sumin was taking selfie ad I was looking at my phone when I got a message.

*I am outside, come out* he wrote and a small smile showed on my face as I grabbed my phone and walked out.

I quickly hugged him tightly "Yaa, congratulation you bakaa" I said and I could hear him chuckling.

"I told you I will win first place didn't i?" he said and I chuckled "whatever." I said with the same smile.

"Have you told Mr. Lee that you arrived?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I came here right after the audition" he said and I grinned "indeed my bestfriend" I said and he laughed.

We walked together outside and talked for 30 minutes before I told him to go to Mr. Lee since it was getting late and he nodded.


It was the 2nd night of the trip and right now everyone was playing and having fun while eating fruit and these things but I felt bored so I headed to somewhere, I heard someone's voice in the dark so I started to follow the voice. Soon after he looked back and I almost fell to the ground before he grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me up.

"Ya what are you doing here?" Vernon asked A.K.A the trouble boy who just came back from US and became my seatmate or you can say he is a gangster. he did 2 fights the first day he came to our school and it only have been 2 weeks he mostly sleep in the class or is outside holding both of his hands up as a punishment from teachers or is getting detention .

"I was bored and I didn't have the mood to sit with others, you?" I asked and he nodded.

"I was just smoking here since Mr. Lee won't let us smoke." He said and my eyes widened as I looked at his left hand that was holding a cigarette.

"You smoke?!!?" I almost yelled before he shushed me. "Are you crazy!? If Mr. Lee finds out I was smoking he will kill me!" he said and I nodded slightly.

"But you can't smoke!" I glared at him and he smiled "I can and I am doing it" he said and my eyebrows furrowed as he smoke and the smell of it made me out of breath.

"Get that shit away, I hate the smell!" I said as I putted my hands on my mouth and he just looked at me with a confused look "Wae?" he said and my anger rose.

"I can't bear its smell, throw it away" I said as I hardly was able to talk because of its smell, I don't know how people can bear this smell and even smoke? I can't even sit near someone who is smoking.

"Shit it, okay as you want" he said as he threw it away, I didn't know he can be nice sometimes too.

"Since when do you smoke? And why?" I asked and he looked at me with his cold eyes I thought he won't answer but he did anyways "it has been a year from when my parents divorced." He said and I became quiet, I think I shouldn't have asked that question.

"How come you are alone and not with that punk?" he asked and my mouth shaped "O"

"Joshua? Hey he is not a punk and also I am not with him 24/7" I said angrily and he just did a laugh and said "whatever".

It was quiet as both of us sat down in the dark.

"Can I ask something?" I asked.

"You already did but go on." He answered as he didn't even bother to look at me.

"You smoke to take the thoughts away don't you?" I asked and he finally looked at me he opened his mouth and closed it again before finally talking "what do you mean?" he asked as he looked infront of himself even thought he got what I actually meant.

"You smoke just to erase the thoughts that hurts you right?, you said it yourself that you started smoking when your parents divorced. I am sure you were hurt badly and that was what led you to smoking and fighting" I said and he finally looked in my eyes straightly, soulfully like he wanted to say something that only his eyes can say but wasn't able to.

"Vernon?" I called him and he finally answered with a simple 'yeah'

"Smoking kills your happiness and yourself, I know it's a bit too much for me to say but try to stop smoking okay?" I said as I looked into his eyes with a smile but he just looked at me coldly.

"Should we be friends?" I asked and he replied with a simple 'No' which made me kind of embarrassed so I just nodded.

I don't know how this boy always has his eyebrows touching and I never can do it, I tried to copy him but I failed every time. And since I was bored I started practicing to copy him after like 3 minute "Hey! Look at me! do I look like you?" I asked and he chuckled "what are you doing?" he asked as he laughed I didn't know he can laugh. "Trying to copy your eyebrows" I said as I did a cold expression while coping him and he just laughed nonstop..

Something I didn't expect of him. He was cutie and innocent rather than the cold and troubled boy I see everyday.

I didn't say anything because I know if I said anything he will be cold again so I just shut up.

Suddenly I got a call I looked at the dialer and it was Joshua. I picked it up

"Oh Joshua what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, but where are you? I looked everywhere and couldn't find you" I glanced at Vernon "I was just bored so I came somewhere to sit" I said and I felt awkward since Vernon was looking at me with his cold face again.

"tell me where you are I will come right now" he said and I quickly got up since it will be awkward if Joshua and Vernon saw each other, I don't now but Joshua didn't like Vernon the first time he came to our class too 'arrogant and selfish' he said as he looked at him from head to toe the first day he came. "it's okay I was coming back anyways" I said and he replied 'okay' before hanging up.

"I have to go now, talk with you later maybe?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"Whatever" he said and I just nodded since I expected him to say that

Mr Non [Chaewon - Joshua -Vernon- Mingyu] Where stories live. Discover now