Chapter 14: We Need To Talk

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It had been a month and half since they had been back home. Briella had forgiven Bucky and took him back. It was the week of winter formal everyone was doing their elaborate dance proposals. Brynlee was at her locker when she seen Bucky do his for Briella.

She looked down as a tear drop fell. Brody seen her wipe it away "Buck you should of waited.." he whispered.

"Why?" He said

Brynlee walked by wiping tears as she walked to her class. That night Winnie and Sadie took their girls except Brynlee to get their dresses.

They were waiting in the Barnes kitchen on Becca. "Brynlee not coming with you all?" James said

"She wasn't asked to go. She didnt want to go alone so she isnt coming with us." Sadie said

"What's going on with her? James told us about how she quit everything." Winnie said

"I wish I knew. But I don't she feels like she was a mistake. Joey lied to her for months. And then of course there is the situation with James. That hurt her the most they may never gotten along but telling her that it meant nothing it was a moment of weakness made her feel even more insecure. Brynlee isnt Brynlee right now." Sadie said

Bucky was sitting on the stairs and heard Sadie. He got a text from Brynlee "will you come here we have a problem."

He snuck out behind Sadie and walked across the street. He let himself in and went up to her room.

"Brynlee?" He said

She came out of the bathroom "Come here cause we need to talk." She said as she pulled him into the bathroom.

"Brynlee I cant stay long I have a date". He said

She shut her bathroom door "what is so important" he said

She pulled a towel off of 5 different pregnancy tests that all said positive. "Pregnant you..birth control..failed." he said

"You were the last person I slept with. Not Joey you cause I was on my period before we left." She said

He sat in the floor "Well I still don't like um we can just co parent. We can figure it out." He said

She looked down "Ill just raise the baby alone." She said

"Brynlee..." he said

She walked out of the bathroom with all 5 tests. "Hey where are you going?" He said as he ran after her.

"To tell our parents." She said as she walked out the front door.

"Brynlee wait can we please talk first." He said

"About what..huh? About how you fucked me but you dont find me attractive or beautiful or see yourself with me. " she said as she kept walking

She went into his house "oh good you havent left yet." She said

"Whats the matter?" Sadie said

"Im pregnant and the baby is Bucky's." She said

James looked behind her at Bucky. "Im very certain I told you to use condoms when you said that you were wanting to start having sex with Briella. So what happened?" James said

Bucky looked up " I didnt have any. Why would I bring them on the trip. I had no intentions of cheating." He said

"Oh no..the antibiotics caused her birth control to fail." Sadie said

"James honey I know for a fact that I told you that. I even made sure your daddy told you." Winnie said

"I forgot." He said

Bryan said "Brynlee are you sure?"

She laid all 5 tests back out. "Very sure" she said

"Sorry James no date for you tonight or any night. You are grounded." James said

"But dad.." Bucky said

""No you broke the rules. I have told you time and time again to use condoms. I have told you boys to keep one in wallet." James said

Bucky looked down.

"Text Brie and tell her the truth. Tomorrow morning we will take her to the doctor you will come with us. Its time you take responsibility for your actions James. Briella may have forgiven you for the cheating now its coming with its own consequences." Winnie said

Bucky wiped tears and called Briella. He came back into the room a complete mess as she ended things for the second time. "I hate you Brynlee why didnt you stop me?" He said

"Kinda hard to talk when you shoving your tongue down my throat! LIke this." She said then kissed him as she grabbed his cheeks as she rolled her tongue into his mouth.

"Mmm" he moaned as he started to kiss back and pulled her closer.

He broke the kiss "go upstairs get in my bed now" he whispered

"You hate me.." she whispered

" hate me too." He whispered

They went upstairs and he slammed his door. "I hate you so fucking much. But this body these fucking lips." He said as he kissed her.

The next thing everyone heard was Bucky's headboard hitting the wall. "We should go" Winnie said

"Yeah" Sadie said

Then all of their family left by the time they got back Bucky was holding her from behind as they slept.

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