(12) Another Hospital Visit

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They were both asleep on the couch but they sounded horrible. They were both congested.

Sadie said "Winnie check their temps cause we may need to go cause they are both sounding horrible and they sound like they have rattling in their chest."

Winnie checked Bucky's first using the in ear thermometer and she said "103.5" and then she put a new cover on the end and checked Brynlee's temp '104.0"

"Yeah you two need to take them. We will stay here with the other kids." James said

"James honey let's get up we are going to take you to the ER." Winnie said

He groaned and rolled to his side and Sadie said "Brynlee baby come on let's go to the doctor.."

She kept sleeping didn't even move. "Brynlee baby Brynlee.." Sadie said

"BRYNLEE JOANNA" Bryce said as he came over to her and Bucky woke up. "Brynlee.." he whispered

"What." she whispered half asleep.

"Oh god baby you scared me" Bryce said as he hugged her. "Oh god baby we need get you to the hospital you are burning up baby.'

"Daddy don't leave." she said in a low tone.

"Okay baby daddy will go." He said as he wrapped her blanket around and carried her to the car. Bucky and Winnie walked out to the car and James and Sadie told the other kids that they had to go.

They made it to the ER and they rushed them in as their temps went up a degree. They rushed them back and they were both put on the same bed. The doctor came in and said "Alright..I'm Dr Taylor what do we have going on.

"Well 4 days ago they were diagnosed with Bronchiitis with a touch of a sinus infection after they dared each other to jump into an outdoor pool at our cabin without clothes on I might add. Then today they were getting into a fight and fell in said pool. They both have high temps and very congested rattling noises in the chests. And.." Winnie said

Then they both were wheezing in their sleep and they both started coughing. "Get oxygen on them and get chest x rays..fever reducer immediately" Dr Taylor said once he checked everything.

The nurse came in with oxygen tanks and put the masks on them. Brynlee's head rolled to Bucky's shoulder and the nurse came back in and put IVs in them and put in fever reducer.

Bryce swallowed hard and said "God I hope this makes them learn their lesson. Seeing her like that is scary."

"I know the feeling" James said

Brady texted him "Are they okay are you coming home?'

James took a picture and sent it to Brady and said "I don't think we are."

About an hour later they were both being wheeled to get chest x rays done. They wheeled them back once they were done. The doctor came back in and said "They both pneumonia we are going to admit them. Do you want them in the same room or separate?'

"Same room" Sadie said

"Okay ..I'm gonna have the nurse give them fever reducer every 4 hours and do breathing treatments and we will see how they feel in the morning." Dr Taylor said

"Okay." Winnie said

They got them upstairs to their room the nurse came in with another nurse and woke them up and stuck the medicine part of the breathing treatment in their mouths. Brynlee looked over at Bucky as he looked over at her. After they got their treatment done James and Bryce came over and kissed top of their heads as they had the masks back on. "We have to go to the cabin but your mama is gonna stay okay." Bryce said

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