(4) Trying Something New

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-4 years later-

It was two weeks before summer break was over their parents had them all sitting down at Bucky's house. "That's my seat." he said as she was sitting on the end with the foot rest on it. 

"Well I was here first." she said then stuck her tongue out at him. 

"Okay.. guys Bucky just down somewhere else she was there first" Winnie said 

"But mom that's my sit that's where I always sit when I sit in here." Bucky said as she picked up Brynlee and sat her next to her sister Bristol. Then he sat in his seat and she said "Oh I hate you so much right now you could of ripped out my belly button piercing." 

"Oh shut up Brynlee for god sakes. You think you are all big and bad cause you made JV cheer captain." he said 

"Atleast I've been captain this whole time cause you know I've been captain since the 6th grade. And I take us to comps and win first place." she said 

He made a face and made his hand make a talking motion and said "That's all you do is talk shut the hell up. I don't see how Joey puts up with you and all your damn loud mouth bitchy sassy attitude. I mean seriously I"m glad that Briella isn't like you she lets me talk and doesn't try and hurt me." he said 

"James.." Winnie said 

Brynlee rolled her eyes and said "Whatever.. Joey loves me for who I am." 

"He's an idiot." he said 

"So is Briella for dating an arrogant ass like you." she said 

"You two that's enough of the fighting and the cuss words" Sadie said 

James sighed and said "Okay we are trying something new and I'm really hoping that you all will be able to handle this. Instead of getting different hotel rooms or staying two different beach houses or vacation cabins we have decided to get one big house. We are going to the French Alps for Christmas." 

"You mean we are going to France." Brynlee said 

"Yes we are going to France." Bryce said 

"Wow.. you knew where that was surprising" Bucky said 

"Yes I do have a 4.0 GPA James." she said 

"You do not.. there is no way that you have a GPA that high." he said 

"Oh yes I do.. I pass all my classes with As and Bs to bad that same can't be said for you.." she said 

"You do not." he said 

She pulled out her phone and pulled up her student portal and said "Read it and weep baby" 

He read her grades and he saw her GPA. "Who are you cheating off of?'

"I don't cheat ." she said as she went to take her phone then he started to read her messages between her and Joey.

"Give me my phone." she said 

"Oh no I'm just getting to the good stuff." he said 

She reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone and he said "Hey no that's my phone." 

She started to pull up his messages and she said "Oh James.. you aren't being such a nice boyfriend to sweet Briella." as she saw how many girls he talks to. 

"Anyways you two will have to share a room" Bryce said 

"Which two."Brady said 

"The babies of the family ." James said 

"Excuse me" Brynlee said as she dropped Bucky's phone. 

"I have to share a room with her. I have never had to share a room in my life." he said 

"Well you two have to share now. The house has a sauna theatre room gym pool hot tub fire places in almost every room. " James said

"Then find a different house I will not share a room with her." Bucky said 

"I agree I will not share a room or bathroom with him." Brynlee said 

"Guys we have already reserved the house I'm sorry." James said 

"But dad get a refund I'm not sharing a room with her I hate her." he said

"You know what this might do you two some good and you might actually start to get along during this trip." Winnie said 

Brynlee grabbed her phone and said "THen I'm not going." as she left Bucky's house and walked across the street to go home. 

"I refuse to go if I have to share a room with her. I'll spend Christmas with Briella family." Bucky said as he left the living room. 

The room fell silent and Brady said "Well I have a date dad so are we done?' 

"Yeah.." James said 

Sadie looked down and said "Maybe this was a bad idea.." 

"We just wanted one good family vacation before Brady and Brittany went off to college." Winnie said 

"I know guys but it won't be if they don't go." Bryce said 

James and Bryce left the room and headed into James' home office and sat at the desk and trying to figure out what to do. "Maybe we try and see if we can move our reservation to somewhere else. That they have listed." Bryce said 

"We could try." James said 

They called the number of the place they used and they were able to find them another vacation house that was big enough for them where everyone got their own bedrooms and had more stuff to offer for when they stayed. 

The next day after they got home they had everyone sit down for another meeting. "Okay last night was not how we wanted the meeting to go. So you two sit down and shut up. Your mothers wanted this trip to be a good family Christmas vacation it's the last family vacation we will get to take cause both Brittany and Brady are leaving at the end of the school year. Brittany is going to UCLA and Brady is going to Texas A&M. So after me and Bryce spend two hours on the phone we were able to find another house we won't be going to France we will be going to Colorado. We were able to move the reservation to another house where you two can have your own rooms." James said 

Brynlee looked down and Bucky said "Sorry dad.." 

"You two might actually enjoy this house more.. it has a arcade room another room has a pool table in it and god help me a bowling alley." James said 

Both of their eyes lit up and said "Bowling alley.." 

"It still has a gym a theatre room but no pool. But an outdoor and indoor hot tub." Bryce said 

"You lost them at bowling alley.." Brady said 

"I know.." James said

"This is so unfair you two ruin everything" Blake said 

"What's the matter Blake?' Bryce said 

"I really wanted the house with the pool." Blake said 

"I agree we all were excited about the indoor pool" Becca said as their older siblings left the room. 

"Well we can't make everybody happy now can we." Bryce said 

"Now but you all always seem to make the two trouble makers of the family happy.. and now you all might as well just said you bought them a candy store with everything you just named off nobody is going to sleep with the two of them fighting about who is better." Brody said as he walked out. 

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