~Chapter 24~

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~You never know how strong you are until strength is the only choice you have~

Ella's POV:

I woke up in a hospital, I got up and walked around my room for a second. Colby, Kat, Sam and Jenna all entered and walked right past me. They were looking at the bed I was just on in sorrow, I turn around and see my body laying there connected to tubes and wires. "Colby babe where am I?" I ask but he doesn't reply. Can he even hear me? "Sam, Kat? Jenna? Anyone!?" I shout the last part. "They can't hear you" I hear a voice say. I turn around and see a girl, she is about 17 years old. She looks familiar but I can't match a name with the face. "Who are you? And why not?" I ask kind of scared. "I'm Josie, you should remember me after all you did baby sit me." she says smiling. "Josie? But your..." I stopped. "Dead? Yeah I woke up not five anymore, then next thing I know I'm sent here to help you."  She says smiling.

"Help me? Help me what? Why am I here, where is here?" I asked still confused on my situation. "You were in an accident Ella, you know that you fell into a come during surgery. I need you to know something, something important." She says coming closer. "What is it?"  I ask confused. "Its your mom, she is here but they wouldn't send her. She told me to tell you that she sees your future now and that you shouldn't wake up upset because you will get bad news when you wake up. But good news would come later in the future." Josie spoke softly. "What do you mean?" I want to know everything before I wake up. "When you fell into a coma we saw everything after the accident leading to your future. Ella the accident was so bad that it messed with your ovaries, when you wake up the doctors are gonna tell you that you won't be able to have kids." Josie said sadly.

My heart hurt when those words left her mouth, I wanted at least one baby in my life time and now I can't have any. "Oh...Josie you're fading away..." I say "You are waking up Ella, remember everything will be fine." She said before everything went dark.

Colby's POV:

Jenna, Sam and Kat were asleep on the couch across the room. It was 2 in the morning, I couldn't sleep so I stayed at Ella's side with her hand in mine. My head was laying on her hand that was resting on the bed. Everything was silent except for the monitor next to Ella that was beeping. Suddenly I felt Ella's body jump, I shot up and saw Ella with her eyes wide open. She saw my face and calmed down, "Hey you're awake" I say smiling.  "Yeah" She says sadly. "Whats wrong sunshine?" I ask staring into her eyes. "Nothing, I uh just hurt really badly" she says laying her head back.

Ella fell asleep and at around 8 in the morning the doctor walked in to do some check ups, Ella opened her eyes and saw the doctor. "Oh Ella your up" Dr. Toris said with a smile. "Yeah" She said smiling slightly. "Well I just came in to do some checks and tests." She said testing some things and writing stuff on her clipboard. Then she left, later a doctor we didn't know walked in and smiled. Sam, Kat and Jenna were in the cafeteria getting some food and coffee, "Who are you?" Ella asked. "I'm the Obgyn, I have some bad news for you" she said, Ella's face dropped. "Please don't say it" Ella said making me wonder what was going on. "No doc what is wrong I want to know?" I ask letting go on Ella's hand and waiting for an answer. 

"Ella my dear I'm sorry but the accident messed with your ovaries and I'm afraid you can't have kids." the doctor said, Ella smiled with pain in her eyes as tears fell from her eyes. "Just what I thought you would say." she cries, the doctor leaves us to be alone and I grab Ella's hand. "How did you know the doctor was gonna say that?" I ask looking at her tear filled face. "When I was in a coma I saw Josie, she was about 17. She told me my mom saw my future when I got into the accident. She told me about this and said not to be sad because good would come, but I didn't get to find out what that good was." she cried. I "Scoot over" I said, she did what I said and I got in bed with her. She cuddled into my chest and just cried, maybe I should be upset over this too but right now she is more upset so I have no time to be selfish.

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