I had made it passed the rocks and now, I need to battle the oncoming currents. It was hard to swim against them, especially when I tried to swim through them. A hand of mine touches something in the water, something soft and round. I had jerked myself away from the creature, afraid it would kill me if I get too close. Instead, it seems the creature snatched ahold of my shirt and began dragging me to the beach. We both fought against the water until we made it to shore.

After the creature let go of my shirt, I crawled onto the sand and plopped down beneath the stars. I heaved and choked, but nothing I couldn't handle. I stayed like that for a few moments before something cold and wet nudges me on my legs. I retract myself, stealing a bit more time before I look at the blessing that saved me from death. Another cold, wet nudge touches the bottom of my thigh. I turn, coming face to face with a snout.

Jerking back from the sudden closeness the mammal had been, I gasp. The seal, a whitish tan color, yips and moves around in excitement. A smile rising on my lips, and I realize this little creature saved me.

"Thank you, thank you so much," I smile brighter, a few tears falling from my eyes. I wanted to reach out and hug the mammal, but I didn't want it thinking I was attacking.

The seal nudges against my hand, and I whine from the cut. Hiding against the pain, I look down and open my hand. A deep, jagged cut starts from the middle of my ring finger and my middle finger, traveling down, almost to my wrist. The seal suddenly begins licking my hand carefully. I whimper from the sharp pieces of glass as the seal tries to maneuver the shards from my skin.

I don't know how long it takes, but as soon as he's finished, his snout gives me a little kiss on my nose. I blink, and watch the seal wobble back into the sea. My eyes widen, and I realize this couldn't have been any normal mammal.

What.. what was that creature?

WRAPPED AROUND MY TAIL: At first glance, by chance...

I was using the bicycle at the gym when I had first spotted him. I wasn't looking for love or any kind of relationship really, but his appearance had me drooling: a ripped set of abs, a muscular chest I could trace with my tongue, a fucking gorgeous bubble butt any chick would want, and not to mention the impressive bulge at the center of his hips.

Instead of staring at the Greek God, I turn back to the speed on my bicycle and focus on the music coasting through my ears. I speed up when Look Alive came on. The beat causes me to lean forward and raise my ass, my tail sweeping back and forth as I race with the rhythm. I was beginning to get in my zone when I saw someone climb onto the bike next to me. I didn't bother actually looking because I didn't want to ruin my moment.

I jam out, still racing on the bike, and slow down when Bloc Boy's verse comes. I bob my head when I slow, settling in the seat. I chug some ice water as I glance next to me. Beautiful green hair invades my vision, and I almost choke on my water when I realize it's a mermaid. She's beautiful. I blink, shaking my head.

"He's dreamy.. isn't he?" The mermaid comments, resting her arm on the bike's handles.

I didn't realize she was talking to me until I glanced at her. She was waiting for my response. I remove my earbud. "Uh.. who?" I asked, setting my water down.

She scoffs, "That sexy ass dragon over there." She purrs for a moment, pointing to the male I had checked out earlier.

Now, he works on his arms, lifting himself off the ground on the bars. I observe his tan skin work up a sweat. Those washboard abs painted with scales glare in our direction, and I had to peel my eyes away from him before they linger too long. I noticed he seems to be listening to music as well.

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