"I'm about to get fired too if I make one mistake more I guess, but I need the money they pay me", I mumbled, smiling a bit. "I mean it's not much, but it's still something."

"Hey, how about we look for a new job together, that's it if we get fired of course", Jimin laughed out his idea, half joking. I chuckled at the plan Jimin created, drinking some of my drink again. "Now that I think about it, how is your boss? You never talk about him."

"There is not much to talk about. He is a normal, strict and bossy boss that everyone has. I mean that kind of bosses make sure the employees do their job", I laughed a little. "I do wish I could get a super nice and funny boss thought."

"Don't we all?" Jimin smiled brightly, making me laugh more.

"Yeah", I mumbled happily.

"Okay, enough of our sad lifes", the blonde joked, taking a big gulp out of his drink. "How about we- Wait, oh shit."

"What?" I asked as Jimin gazed fastly at his phone to see the time, the whole figure tensing a little. But just as the phone was on, he then exhaled the breath he was holding in and the smile was back on his face. But I could see his heart beat was faster than before, he was a little scared a while ago.

"Thank god I still have time", Jimin laughed a little at his reaction. He looked back at me, smiling and a bit sad at the time. "I promised to babysit a small boy and I thought I was going to be late."

"Ooh, okay", I let out.

"And I'm sorry that we didn't hang out long, I need to go so I can pack some stuff. Maybe we can see soon?" He smiled apologetic look on his eyes. Pink was covering his face as he was now getting up to leave.

"Definitely, and no need to be sorry", I laughed, also getting up. I can just right away leave too, it's really late and dark outside. And knowing me, I'm a bit too paranoid to be alone in the dark, so it was better leave sooner than later.

He crushed me into a hug, like the one when we met after a long time. I smiled sadly as he kept hugging me, his hugs were always the best.

Warmth and the feeling like somebody cared was so strong. Like I felt safe and all that cheesy stuff, but it was true. I don't know how he could be so perfect even thought it's only a hug that he gave.

Soon we parted our ways right away at the door, he crossed the street and I began walking to my left. We waved at each other and I was left alone.

Looking right infront of me I smiled a while, but soon the expression was gone. There was no one to smile for, so why bother.

The sky was already asleep, painting the sky with dark colors. The streets were more silent than before, but not completely. Now there was more drunken people and less busy people. I quickly looked at my phone for time and it was 12.22.

And before I even realized, I was back at Yoongi's apartment. As I stepped through the front door, I noticed all the light were off. I didn't bother switching them on, so I just kicked the shoes off my feet and put the jacket on the place it belonged.

I started to walk to the guestroom where I was staying. I was about to open the door, but before I did, I glanced towards Yoongi's bedroom.

The door to his room was closed, but I could still see light coming from the room. I actually thought he was asleep, now I just guessed he must be working on something. I thought nothing of it and opened the guestroom door to get inside.

Once again, I didn't bother switching the lights on. I got undressed, getting to the bathroom. I looked around to find a towel and after finding it I took a quick shower, using shampoo and conditioner. Either Yoongi put them here for me or they just always were there for the guests.

I brushed my teeth and used the toilet, finally getting to bed.

I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. There was so much on my head and it seemed like the thoughts didn't let me rest at all. As much as I wanted to get everything from my mind out, I couldn't.

I knew I was stuck with what I was feeling. And this was a long first day without the girl I love. I didn't want to show everyone that it affected me so much, but I think I failed miserably.

I wasn't laughing and smiling that much anymore. I was way more hesitant than I have ever been and my confidence was gone. Trust-

No, I need to get that word out of my head some how. Squeezing my eyes shut and closing my mouth I thought everything else other than the specific word with all cost.

My mind wandered off to Jimin. He left quite late to babysit a child. It's a bit unusual, but I know there are cases like that. Even so, Jimin has sometimes done late babysitting gigs.

Also Yoongi was still awake and I don't know if he was getting ready to go to sleep now or not. He's always so tired at daytime. I really hope he's not awake all night.

I turned to lay on my back on the bed. I opened my eyes to look at the sealing, as I exhaled deeply.

I hope Jimin and Yoongi get enough sleep.



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