1. First meeting

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Yves was on another one of her stalking trips

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Yves was on another one of her stalking trips. Sitting on her balcony she watched the girl from her window with her binoculars. Today she was playing online games with a friend.

Vivi, so pretty.

Yves's obsession wasn't supposed to grow this big but she couldn't help it. Vivi was her only source of comfort.

Whenever she was anxious, frustrated, sad or even happy she thought of Vivi.

Usually, she would just admire the black-haired girl from her window but today something unusual happened.

Today Yves felt a reflective light towards her face. In annoyance, Yves tried to move away from it but it kept coming back.

Until she turned to her side to see a reddish-brown haired girl with bangs holding a mirror reflecting the light towards her on the balcony next to her.


Her tone was awkward and odd like she just regretted what she just said but it was too late so she needed to continue talking. Yes exactly, like that.

What a fucking weirdo.

"Umm hey," Yves said as she removed her cap trying to look more approachable.

Yves didn't feel like making a friend today, actually, she never felt like making a friend. She only wanted to admire Vivi.

In fact, if she could then she would quit school and stare at her face as a full-time job. Literally.

"My name is Kim Jiwoo but you can call me Chuu." She said as she put down the mirror on a plastic chair.

"So what are you doing?" She said stretching the word so out while cutely tilting her head to the side.

"Just hanging in my balcony, you? also, I'm Yves"

"Do you like birds?" Chuu asked pointing at Yves binoculars.

"Uh yeah" Yves didn't know shit about birds. She couldn't care less about them. Isn't it time for this conversation to end?

"Wow, my mom likes birds. She has a photo album with her favourites birds in it. Can I show you?"

"Umm sure" Yves tone was more awkward than ever. Actually, she didn't care about her tone, she just wanted the girl to shut up.

Chuu walked out the balcony but came back a few minutes after she came out holding a thick book against her chest.

Her mom must be crazy obsessed with birds.

"Here" Chuu opened the book and began naming a few of her mom's favourite birds.

"This is the Chinese nuthatch. It's so cute, right?" She pointed at a picture of a bird.

"This one is called the long-tailed tit. Look at its tail so adorable."

"This is the Chinese egret. It's a threatened species. How sad."

For how long is she going to go on?

Yves was pretty much tired of going "Oh so cute, oh so pretty, oh so sad".

Yves didn't really want to be rude. Her mother wanted her to get close to the neighbour's daughter since they're the same age to get her mind off "things" but she declined plenty of times but now she doesn't even have to bother since Chuu made the first move.

"This is the red-crowned crane. It's a symbol of luck, cool right? If you see one before your exam you might get good luck."

"Chuu I've gotta go and help my mom cook lunch I'll see you later. Bye!"

"See you later, Yves"

Yves left through the balcony door and walked to her bedroom in annoyance.

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