Tye snorted again, and shook his head. "Thanks for the ride Rey." He said, and I shrugged.

"No big thing. Get some rest, both of you. We all need to keep both eyes on Scott McCall from now on."

I said, and they nodded. Tye walked into the house, and I stopped. "Hey! Tye!"

I said, and he stuck his head out.

"Next time you need some help from a hunter? Call me before you show up at my house covered in blood."

I said, and he did a mocking salute, before I smiled and got into my car again.

I didn't see it, or even realize it, but when I was driving away, there was a pair of red glowing eyes, following.

I climbed back in through my window and climbed back into bed, realizing, I still had Tye's completely torn up shirt next to me.

I saw that it was covered in blood.

I bundled it up quickly, and put oil on it, lit it on fire, before I dumped it into the garbage bin.

I put out the fire, once I was sure, that the shirt was totally destroyed. I climb back into bed, and I grabbed blankets.

I fell asleep quickly, and I wrapped myself into the blanket tightly, and I felt like I was freezing cold.

I shut my eyes tighter, and suddenly felt like a hot blanket was enveloping me, and I opened my eyes, to see the glowing blue eyes.

I went to scream, but a hand was over my mouth quickly. "It's me Reyna. I'm not hurting you."

I heard Tye's voice, and the glow dimmed into the hazel brown of his normal eyes.

"I'm gonna take my hand away." He said quietly, and I nodded. Tye moved his hand away, and I slapped him.

"I. Hate. You."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"Look I'm sorry. If you hadn't been there earlier, I probably would have destroyed Derek."

Tye said, and I looked at him.

"Try not to kill my supernatural informant and my big brother's fellow pack member."

"You guys may not have an alpha, but you're still a pack. Trent can fight. So, can both of you. Alright? So please let me help."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"How can you help? We have no way of knowing that you can fight with the alpha, because you... You don't have a healing ability like we have."

Tye said, and I looked at him.

"You stuttered." I said, and he looked at me. "What?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"You never stutter over your words Tye, so why are you stuttering now?" I asked, and he looked at me.

"I just don't want you being hurt Rey."

Tye said, and I looked at him.

"I know when someone's lying Hale. Now tell me what the real reason is for your concern, or leave. Now."

I said, and he looked at me, and shook his head. "I can't. It's... complicated. It is complicated beyond belief Rey."

He said, and he stood up, and I looked at him. "Then tell me Tye. Get it off of your guilt ridden conscience."

"Before something... Before something happens that triggers it, and the down spiral. That ultimately follows it."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"Derek almost killed me, when he heard this. He didn't even hear it from me, he heard it from his twin."

Tye said quietly, and I looked at him.

"Tye what's going on?" I asked, and he looked at me. "You've been my anchor since I was a kid."

Tye said, and I looked at him, feeling shock rippling through my system as I stood up.

"That's why Derek's so protective of me. He's sure that all Argents are the same. Ever since the fire."

Tye said, and I looked at him. "Who does he think set the fire Tye?" I asked quietly, and he looked at me.

"You know who did. I don't need to tell you that Reyna." He said, and I felt like the agony was coming back.

"Kate." I said, and tears rolled down my face. Tye walked over and hugged me, and I leaned against him.

"I'm so sorry. I should've known... I should've known about everything!" I said, and I was shaking.

"Hey. It isn't your fault. You were 11."

Tye said, and I looked at him. "You were 12 when you were in that fire. How did you get out?"

I whispered, and he looked at me.

"My uncle. Peter. He held up a beam so I could get out." Tye said quietly, as I saw tears sliding down his cheeks.

I wiped them away one by one, and he looked at me, then looked over at my bedside table, with the clock.

It now read 4:50am, and I watched, as he turned back towards me. "Go back, to sleep. You have school." Tye said, as I looked at him.

"Tye. How long have I been your?..."

I asked quietly, as he stopped at the window. "Since I met you in Grade 3 Reyna."

He said, and stepped out the window, and walked away, across the roof like only a werewolf can, without falling, off of the roof.

I sighed, and fell back onto my bed, and then I heard my phone beep from the side table. I opened the text, and it was from an unknown number.

From : Unknown
To : Huntress
You're my anchor. If you ever need me, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll fight, anyone and anything, if it means that..

If it means you're safe, I don't care what happens to me, even if Derek doesn't approve.

You know our family. You know how we are when it comes to our pack, and the people in it.

Once we find this alpha, and kill him, either one of us, we'd be happy to bite you. Make you really one of us.

If that's what you want anyways.

From : Huntress
To: Wolfboy 2.0
I... Are you sure that you'd want me in the pack Tye? Wouldn't you be worried about protecting me?

Part of you would die if I did.

I absolutely can not take that chance Tye. Even if I did want the bite... I can't risk losing anyone else.

I can not lose you Tye. Don't force me to choose between you and the rest of my family Tye.

From : Wolfboy 2.0
To : Huntress
I won't make you choose. I just thought maybe you'd think about it. I figured... I guess I thought wrong...

I looked at my phone, and waited, but he didn't say anything else. "What did I do?"

I whispered, and I shut my eyes, and I put my phone down, and curled up, in my bed, and I fell asleep quickly.

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