Ch. 40 - And the Wall Came Melting Down

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Hi everyone, since the other part reached 100, new chapter posted! Thank you for everyone's love and support 🖤


Fucking hell, why was it so hot? And damn it, I forgot to close my curtains again. Whenever we were in Miami, I preferred to sleep with the balcony door open because I loved the smell of the ocean and the breeze, but holy fuck it was so hot today. Even though I was shirtless, it was still hot as balls.

My head was throbbing from the variety of alcohol I mixed last night. As I got up, I realized something was wrong. I looked over and saw Mary right next to me, in my fucking bed. I jumped off the bed as I realized she was in deep sleep. I might have drank a shit ton yesterday but sure as hell remembered putting her in one of the guest rooms.

When the hell and how the fuck did she get into my bed? Was I that much of a deep sleeper? I wasn't worried that I might did something with her because I definitely didn't. No matter how drunk, I always remembered my sexual encounters.

Plus, I wasn't a cheater. I would never. No matter what condition mine and Avery's relationship was in.

Not wanting to have that awkward encounter with her, I left to Nate's room which was next to mine, to shower and remove myself from the awkward position. Whatever the hell happened and she somehow got into my bed, I didn't even want to know. How was I even supposed to start the conversation? Was I supposed to just get straight to it and ask how the hell did you get into my bed?

"Why do you look like you've just seen a ghost?" Nate rubbed his eyes sleepishly, "Are you okay?"

"How and why the hell did I wake up to Mary in my bed when I know for a damn fact that I went to sleep Mary-less." I grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom. "How do I even ask her about it?"

"Uh? Maybe... hey how the fuck did you get into my bed?" Nate's sarcastic remark earned him my shorts tossed at his face which made him laugh. "Are you sure you didn't like get drunk and you know..."

"Never." That wasn't even a question. I would never. I may had been a player but that was because there wasnt a lock on my heart. Now there was, even though we weren't on the best terms at the moment, I would never be unfaithful to Avery. I couldn't even if I wanted to because there was no one who could even come close to be a worthy comparison to Avery. "Not in a billion years."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Nate sighed. "I was just fucking with you. I don't think you ever would even if someone held a gun to your head and told you to fuck her or die."

"You're so dramatic." I shook my head and grabbed a water bottle from his nightstand and downed it. "Hurry up and get ready so we can go surfing."


Miami's heat really wasn't playing around today. No matter how much sunscreen I slathered on myself, I felt like my skin was going to get baked in the sun. Our private beach was nice given that it was just us and some of Owen's female friends that he invited. The guys and I went surfing and the wave was still as amazing as I remembered.

"Dude, there's your almost one night stand." Nate nudged me as we were walking back to cabana from a fruitful session of waves. "Are you gonna talk to her?"

"Wait what the fuck did I miss?" Charles and the guys looked at me confusingly. "Huh?"

"I woke up and found Mary in my bed. And I have no idea how the hell she got there or why." I shrugged. "I know we didn't do anything but it was weird. I was so freaked out I nearly fell off my fucking bed."

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