Ch. 39 - Weekends are for the Boys

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As the guys were playing drinking games on the jet as a form of "pregaming", I was trying to sleep since I didn't have the energy nor the mood to join them. I was hoping that a boys trip would help me get my mind off of things, but it wasn't off to the greatest start for me mentally. But Nate noticed my depressing mood as he walked over and sat in the chair next to mine, handling me a shot.

"Come on." He nudged my arm and wiggled his brows. "Come on, it's a boys trip. Don't be a Debbie downer. What the hell got you in such a bad mood anyway? What did I miss?"

And then Kaden came to join us.

"Is it Avery? Can't be anything else." Kaden shook his head. "You are whipper than whipped cream."

Cameron, the other to join the Jace intervention circle, smacked Kaden in the back of the head. Probably telling him it was a sensitive spot this time, unlike the other times I've been moody. Kaden seemed to have gotten the message and stopped laughing. The atmosphere on the jet got serious.

"Hey, I'm alright. I don't want to talk about it. I just want to have fun with the boys and get my mind off of it for the weekend. If it comes to it, I'll come talk to you guys I swear." I took the shot Nate was holding in his hands as a sign of committment to having fun.

"And he's back!" Owen hollered. "But while we're on the topic, since i figured it would be an awfully dull trip without any sort of girl presence, I invited my friends from Florida to come over and party with us tomorrow by the way."

Oh, god. This was such an Owen for him to do.

"What? What's the point of having an all boys trip if you're going to invite girls?" Greyson was the first of many to protest.

"Let's face it alright, we can't have much fun without any girl presence involved. The hell are we supposed to do? Roast marshmallow and sing songs together? Let's be realistic here alright. Plus, it's only one day."

"We're there for only two days...." Cameron rolled his eyes at Owen. "You're impossible, O."

"It'll be fun, I promise. Plus, it's only a few girls. They're my friends!" Owen rolled his eyes in response to everyone's protests.

When we arrived at our beach house, I was exhausted. But they still wanted to drink so we did. I did make a commitment to having fun after all.

"Even after years of knowing you guys, I'm still not over how fucking rich you guys are. Is there any place in the world where you guys don't have a house or business in?" Harry shook his head as he took one of the wine from the cellar out. "Holy fuck."

"I don't think we have any properties or businesses in Delaware? Or Maine? Do we?" Nate answered nonchalantly. "Or Minnesota?"

"No, aunt Serena has some in Maine, I believe." Greyson speculated as he took the glass of wine from Harry who was doing the pouring.

"Unbelievable." Cameron shook his head at their responses and pulled out his book. "I'm pretty sure you guys could buy a whole country if you wanted to. And maybe even an army."

"Well, we were talking about it I think-"

"Alright, that's enough of a discussion about our family's conquests." I got up and chugged my glass down in a single gulp. I hated wine, always did and always will. I much rather preferred hard liquor. "I'm going to the pool if anyone wants to join."

We all headed to the infinity pool outside, except for Cameron and Owen who stayed inside to play super smash. When were they ever going to get over that game was a question even god himself couldn't answer. As I enjoyed my scotch on the rocks, looking over Miami skyline and admiring the city lights that looked like a whole galaxy on their own, I couldn't help but missed Avery. She would have loved this view and might have even demanded to sleep outside given how nice the breeze was right now.

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