Ch. 12 - A Couple of Delinquents

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"Jace freaking Vanderbilt!? You're talking to him again, after the scare you had?!" Nicole's eyes were nearly dropping out of her sockets after I had told her about mine and Jace's run in at the bookstore. She was there that night when Jace was drunk. "You went to his house?! To read his sister a bedtime story?"

"He's not a horrible person..." I didn't tell Nicole about our breakfast friendly date because I couldn't come to believe it myself. That Jace had asked me to go eat breakfast, out of nowhere. For no absolute reason. But I liked it, and that scared me. Especially after what happened last week when he was drunk.

"I think you might be the first girl who has successfully woken the man inside of the beast that is Jace Vanderbilt. That night... scared the shit out of me." Nicole had a thing for being dramatic, especially when it came to Jace. "But tell me, how is he like with his family? Like is he cold to them too?"

Seeing that Nicole didn't ask about my episode in the library with Will, it meant Will didn't tell her about it. And I made a mental note to thank him later for keeping it a secret because I really didn't want anyone to ask about it.

"Actually... he's extremely well-raised, polite, and very family oriented. His siblings adore him, and likewise." It was hard for me to believe it, too. How good Jace was with the twins and Amelia. Nicole was eyeing me suspiciously, oh god.

"Siblings... interesting. Wow, you guys are at the sibling level now. I see." She narrowed her eyes and rubbed her chin with her fingers, like she was steve from blue's clues. "I'm just glad to see you're alright now after that night... You were petrified for days..."

"What does that even mean..." I sighed. "And we talked it out, last night when he drove me home. I'm glad I don't have to go out of my way to avoid him anymore."

"It means that he cares about you enough to let you see that side of him that I'm positive no girl had seen before, well not from here anyway." She rolled her eyes and picked up a fry. "Honestly I- well, speaking of the freaking he-devil."

I turned around and saw Jace walking toward us. He looked good today, he was wearing the leather jacket I saw him in the first time we met. But this time, he was wearing a hoodie underneath. And his hair was left undone today. My favorite Jace look, it was how he looked like last night when I saw him at the bookstore. He cracked a small smile when our eyes met and I couldn't help but return one.

Everyone was staring and whispering, but Jace didn't seem to notice at all as he flopped down on the seat next to mine and nodded his heard toward Nicole then turned his gazed back on me.

"You're not going to the rest of your classes, I'm taking you out." He took some of my fries and nonchalantly told me I was ditching.


"Yeah, we're going out. I got you excused already, let's go." He got up and looked at me, signaling to follow him. "Come on, you won't be marked absence."

"But... how did you-"

"Let's just say I owe my sister a whole month of driving her to school." He rolled his eyes. I could only imagine what Amelia asked in return for doing him a favor like this. I couldn't help but wonder about how many times they've must done this in the past. Amelia was probably the only girl who had Jace wrapped around her fingers. And Riley of course. "Now come on, don't make me suffer in vain."

I turned to Nicole, who basically kicked me off the table and whispered to have protected sex. I said bye to her and smacked her in the arms for making the most inappropriate comment that I hoped Jace didn't hear. But by his smirk, he definitely heard it.

We were walking through the parking lot when Jace met up with a group of people sitting on top of two cars. I recognized some of them, they were Jace's best friends. They always walked together everywhere at school, like a pack of wolves. But as for the rest, I had no idea who they were nor seen them before. His best friends were the first to say hi to him before turning to me, they had the most amused looks on their faces.

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