Remember When....

Start from the beginning

"I have to go. We play in 20 minutes....." he trailed off, obviously feeling guilty for having to leave.

"Go. They need you," I said, nuzzling my head in his neck.

"So do you," he replied.

"Go before I make you," I said smiling a little. He chuckled quietly. He stood up and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'll be back later, okay? Call if you need anything.Love you best friend." I nodded, "Love you too best friend," I replied and he turned and walked off the bus, shutting the door behind him, leaving me to my thoughts. I chugged the rest of my water bottle, tossed it in the trash, and stood up making my way to my suitcase.

I dug around under all the clothes until I found what I was looking for: the pack of cigarettes I had hidden from Austin. I didn't smoke much anymore, Austin forced me to quit, which I was glad for; it was a gross habit. I brought along a pack incase I got really stressed and needed a was either these or a razor blade, and since I promised Austin I wouldn't do that ever again, the Marlboro's it was. I grabbed a lighter and walked out of the bus into the bright midday sun. I didn't even know where we were, not like I really cared at this point.

This tour sure was off to a shitty start: I was being a horrible friend, and I wasn't even taking pictures, which was why I was here in the first place.

I took a seat in the dirt, leaning my back against the bus, pulling my knees to my chest. I pulled out a cigarette, put it to my lips and lit it. I took in a deep breath, letting the menthol flavor fill my mouth before I blew it out, smoke filling the air around me. It felt so good.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the bus as I continued to puff on my cig. It wasn't long before I felt a presence hovering over me. Expecting to see Austin I was already preparing myself for a lecture. When I opened my eyes I wasn't expecting to see who was standing above me, staring down into my eyes.



Mike's P.O.V:

I hadn't been able to sleep all night. I couldn't get Lyla off of my mind; I couldn't help but wonder if she was okay. I tossed and turned as I remembered back to the good old days, when we were best friends, inseperable and happy. All I wanted was to see her and hug her and never let her go again. I had lost her once before.

I had thought about her a lot over the years, but I had no idea where to even begin to look for her. Her dad wouldn't tell me anything; I'm guessing that was per her instructions. I missed having her around. She was in my life for almost 8 years and then all of a sudden she was gone, and it left a whole. We had so much fun when we were younger. She was so fun and goofy and hilarious. She was the sweetest person I had ever known, always willing to help others, and loving with everything she had. She was like my sister; we knew everything about each other, and when her and Vic started dating we just got closer.

I still hadn't ever really forgiven Vic for what he had done. I didn't know all of the details; he never would tell everything. All I knew was that after almost 4 years of dating he broke up with her over the phone, never giving her a reason other than "this isn't working". I still don't know why he did it, but after he broke up with her Vic was a wreck for a really long time. He still wasn't the same. After we found out that she moved away Vic changed, and he never really talked about her after that.

Every once in a while her name would come up over the years, and you could physically see Vic change. It bothered him; he missed her and still loved her, which made me even more confused about why he did what he did. He had a few steady girlfriends but I could tell they never measured up to Lyla.

I wandered around the venue trying to find her. I saw Of Mice and Men getting ready to go on and I walked over to their stage, but I didn't see her anywhere. Austin saw me and hustled over.

"She's not here," he said, obviously knowing who I was searching for. I looked at him, my eyes flashing with worry. "She's on the bus. She's pretty upset. You should go talk to her...." he said as he looked at me. I was surprised; I figured he would tell me to leave her alone. The expression on his face looked like that's really what he wanted to tell me.

"Thanks, man," I nodded as I turned and walked toward the bus. Off in the distance I spotted it. Someone was leaning up against it sitting on the ground. As I got closer I could tell it was Lyla. She had her eyes closed so she didn't see me coming, and she was smoking.

Man she has really changed.......

I walked up to her and stood by her feet. She had her hair in a ponytail and her face was bare, and she was wearing her glasses; she looked just like she did all those years ago, except for the nose ring. I didn't say anything, but she soon opened her eyes. She obviously wasn't expecting me to be standing there, her eyes opened wide in shock as her breath caught in her chest. I smiled at her a little as she averted her eyes to the ground. I was just hoping she wouldn't run this time.

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