Chapter 18 - Don't cry

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''What kind of jobs do you do, honestly?" I asked Bryan, who shared my piano stool. He seemed little troubled by the question?

"I do different performances."

"Really? Like on stage? Is that what you'll do the following two weeks?"

"Yeah, exactly. I'll be away to sing a little here and there. So shall we try to play the song?" He said and cleared his throat. I first tried the melody on the piano and then made a sign for Bryan to start singing.

"I remember all my life

Raining down as cold as ice.

Shadows of a man,

A face through a window cryin' in the night,

The night goes into

Morning just another day;

Happy people pass my way.

Looking in their eyes,

I see a memory I never realized how happy you made me.

Oh Mandy well,

You came and you gave without taking,

But I sent you away.

Oh, Mandy well,

You kissed me and stopped me from shaking,

And I need you today.

Oh, Ainey!"

I immediately burst into laughter. So did he. But he got quiet and just smiled at me.

"You've got a beautiful laugh." He said.

'''I've not! You can't fool me, I've heard it and "beautiful'' is not the word."

''Yes it is."


''Yes it is! End of argumentation."

''Some day you'll take that back. Like in ten years when you've finally realised that my laugh sounds like a neighing donkey."

"What if I'm not."

"What if your not what?"

''Taking it back."

''Then you're deaf in ten years."I said and tousled his hair. "Are we finished? Or do you want to add something in this important conversation?"

"No, I guess I surrender."

We played and sang a few other songs. Bryan's voice really was something. Something unic and beautiful. But after twenty minutes Bryan said no to one more song.

"I gotta go."

My body was sentenced on energy because of his words. I felt lonely and anxious, already before he had left. I walked him to the door and hugged him. I did not want to let go. My eyes teared and my view became unclear behind the tears. Why couldn't he just stay with me? I needed him!

Bryan Held my head between his palms and tilted it upwards so he could see my eyes. "Don't cry. You'll make me start too. Remember it's two weeks, it's not forever you know." Next Monday I counted in my head, that's in two weeks. It seemed like forever to me.

"I'll miss you." I told him with a week and quiet voice.

"I'll miss you too..."

He wiped my tears off and kissed me. I tried to breath in every sense of him so it might last while he was not with me. Bryan made a move to open the door and walk out, but it was already wide open. My mum stood outside looking straight at us.

AN: Thank YOU for reading this chapter!! Next is up soon! '<^..^>

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