Chapter 7 - How does it feel?

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My mind stopped for a second. Wait? He thinks we're more than friends? I became more and more uneasy and nervous. I was not expecting that, at all. He was nothing more than an old friend, and on top of that, we haven't met in years.

Then his hand approached my waist where it stayed. What was I supposed to do in this kind of situation? I was not used to it! I was almost panicking, disgusted by his acting. Why couldn't he just let us get to know each other, as friends, like it used to be?

He moved his body even closer towards mine, lowing his head and I could feel his nose touching mine. And that was enough. I would make an attempt to run away. I didn't want to confront him or hear what he had to say. Just before his attempt to kiss me, I pulled myself away from his grip and ran through the crowded floor, trying my best to not collide with too many people. I wanted to get out of here. Out. Just out. Away from him. My eyes teared. I couldn't stand the though of him. I would never kiss him, ever.

Thinking and running at the same time was obviously not my best skill. Because suddenly, I collided with a man which made me loose my balance and I hit my head in the edge of a table.

I opened my eyes and saw a dark blond hair style and a blurry face of a young man. I felt something soft pressed against the back of my head. I felt my body rise and lean back in a sitting position with the support from a wall.

"Can you hear me?" The male voice said, with little different accent than mine, but still Irish.

"Mm..." I answered and touched the back of my head. I felt the fabric of a jumper. Aha, he must have used his jumper as a compressor. So that meant I was bleeding, from my head. Great.

"How does it feel? You feel sick or something?" He asked with a worried look.

Actually I did. But I thought if I denied it, the feeling would pass.

"No. I'm fine."

"Sorry, but you can't fool me to think that you're fine. You're bleeding from your head."

"But you're not calling the ambulance, are you?" I asked with an unstable voice.

"No, it's not that bad. No stitches has to be used." He said and helped me to stand up. He was taller than I had imagined from my previous angle from the floor, a head taller than me. He was pretty broad. Not fat, not at all, he had just got a stable body.

"Are you here alone?" He asked.

"Ehm... Eh no, I'm here with a friend but I've kind of lost her somewhere in the crowd." I felt so tense and unnatural in that moment. I might even have blushed.

"Do you have a phone to call her?"

"Ehm, no, I haven't." I answered.

"You can borrow mine then." He said and reached out his phone.

"Oh, thank you very much, I really appreciate it." I said and pressed the combination of Laylas phone number. She answered after two seconds and we decided to meet outside the club in five minuets. I hang up and gave it back to the young man.

"Thanks for all your help." I said and before leaving and reached out my hand to hand over his jumper.

"No, no, keep it. It might start bleeding on your way home. What's your name by the way?"

"Aine." I answered. "And you, what's your name?"

A gentle smile was revealed before he answered. "Bryan."

AN: Tell me what you think in the comments! Don't forget to star this chapter if you liked it!

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