You let your phone fall on your bed, jealousy hurting your heart. You had convinced yourself that Jungkook and Soyeon were unhappy together, but you had just been just proven wrong. They seemed perfect for each other. Maybe they were.

You lay on your bed, looking at your ceiling, fighting the painful feeling taking over your chest. If Jungkook didn't exist, everything would be so much easier, you thought for a second. You then shook your head, regretting thinking that immediately. You were letting jealousy take over you and it was just making you mean.

You wanted to go for a walk for the first time since you came back. You thought about it for a few minutes, wondering what could go wrong. You used to go for a walk all the time before and everything always went fine –until it didn't, you thought. But you weren't going to spend all your time home forever, you had to start living a normal life again.

You gathered all your courage before getting ready. You made sure to take your phone and hesitated to take the pepper spray your dad bought you. You were about to leave without taking it but you came back hurriedly and put it in your pocket, just in case.

You told your parents you were going for a walk around the neighborhood and they let you go after asking you several questions on where you were going exactly and for how long. When you stepped outside, a weird feeling of apprehension mixed with freedom took over you, and you started walking after taking a deep breath.


You had been walking for a few minutes now, enjoying some time alone with your music. Suddenly, you felt like you were being watched. You glanced around you while grabbing the pepper spray in your pocket just in case, but no one was looking at you. You shook your head, assuming you were just being paranoid. However, as you kept on walking, you couldn't get rid of this feeling and you felt more and more uneasy. When you couldn't resist no more, you turned around abruptly, convinced someone was stalking you.

When your eyes met some dark ones, a shiver ran down your spine. You froze at the sight of this guy who was gazing at you, a few steps away from you. What was he doing here ?

"Y/N ! How are you since last time ?"

He stepped closer, a smile on his face. You wondered if you should use your pepper spray for a second before thinking it would be a little excessive.

"Are you okay ?" Yoongi added as you hadn't answered.

"Why were you stalking me ?" you said, ignoring his questions, watching him come closer.

"What ? I wasn't stalking you, I'm going to a friend's place."

You didn't add anything, just turning around and walking away. You were getting really weird vibes from this guy and you would rather have no contact with him.

"Hey, I know you don't know me but we could get to know each other," he said as he reached you and started walking next to you.

"You already told me that. And I already told you I don't need new friends."

You started to walk faster but he did the same. How could he not get that you didn't want to have anything to do with him ?

"Come on, I'm a nice guy, you don't have to act like that."

You stopped walking, your blood boiling. He really was annoying while you just wanted to be alone.

"Listen Yoongi. I don't have anything against you and yes, you're probably a nice guy, but I don't care. I don't want to get to know you, I don't want to walk with you, I don't want to have small talk with you, so if you could just leave me alone, I would really appreciate it."

You walked past him angrily as he stood still, probably wondering what to do now. You didn't look back to see his reaction but you guessed he got it now as he didn't try to walk with you again.



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When you got home, you started to look for anything about Yoongi and you soon managed to find his instagram account.

When you got home, you started to look for anything about Yoongi and you soon managed to find his instagram account

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Everything about this guy kept getting weirder. He only followed Namjoon and an account giving news which was strange in your opinion. You tried to find more things about him but it was all you could find. He was a ghost.

sorry for not updating a lot :(

broken ghostsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora