15..last chapter

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Sasuke took hinata inside, she was hysterically crying.
She was shivering, but such act was like a fairy tale to sasuke, the princess bride ran away from her wedding just to be with her lover.
Though he did many unforgivable things, but hinata felt a blooming feeling inside her heart towards the raven head.
Formerly she has always thought that though sasuke has a pretty face and many fan girls were chasing after him, but he had a shitty personality treating everyone around like they are nothing.
Which she hated the most, she saw how he treated everyone like they were nothing, but hinata was still dense. Though she noticed how sasuke treated everyone, but when it came to the Hyuuga, he was somehow calmer, he didn't treat her like others, only like a glass, a precious vase, he treated her carefully, not to hurt her feelings. And thats due to hinata's aura.
She gave that gentle, pure aura that makes even the evilest person want to protect her, and keep her away from the world.
Indeed for sasuke, hinata brought the fire to his world...which was so cold.
Sasuke sat on the couch, straddling hinata on his lap, he brought her head near to his chest, as she hugged him, crying.
Sasuke rested his palms on her cheeks as she sobbed, he wiped her tears and asked her to calm down.
"He..he came... he came..and said" she cried and sobbed
"Hinata please calm down, who came to you..tell me" sasuke started to get furious as hinata mentioned someone's name.
"Ōtsutsuki momoshiki..he he said if..if i didn't marry..marry him, he'll...he'll kill...you and Akira..he" hinata tried so hard to gather her strength and sobbed and hiccuped hysterically.
Sasuke cupped her cheeks, he rested his forehead on hers, stroking her hair.
"Hina..listen to me...none's gonna kill me, neither lay a finger on Akira hinata... neither touch even a strand of your hair..." he assured her, and then hugged her again.
Hinata buried her face into his chest, she didn't notice sasuke's gritting his teeth and activating his sharingan.

Hinata calmed down inside sasuke's embrace, she drifted to sleep because she cried too much, sasuke held her up, then he settled her by his son Akira.
And then he kissed her forehead.
He opened his rinnegan eyes, and went over to konoha.

"Sasuke?" Naruto snorted as he saw the raven head by him.
He was pissed at his friend.what he had done to the Hyuuga was unforgivable, naruto had to work hard to clear her name. He even tried to send her messages on how sorry he was that he believed such rumor and never gave her the chance to even explain.
He was so blinded by rage. How can he believe such nonsense on hinata, yet he did.
"I didn't come to talk...momoshiki threatened to kill hinata... i need your assistance" sasuke said monotonous.
Naruto opened his eyes then he closed them, he gritted his teeth.
"I know you despise me..." sasuke told his best friend
"I do.." naruto snorted
"I need your help naruto" sasuke said monotonous but naruto knew he was pleading.
"I'll do it..but not for you...the least i can do for hinata" naruto said.
Sasuke gave a nod.
Both went off.

"This what you get for defying me Hinata..." Momoshiki snorted as hinata struggled through her drained chakra shackles.
Momoshiki was holding Akira away.
"Give him back please don't hurt my child please" hinata pleaded.
Momoshiki attacked hinata while she was sleeping by Akira.
Though her byakugan was still sealed, however, she gave a decent fight against Momoshiki, but he is extremely over powered. She can't take him down on her own.
However Momoshiki managed to bond her.
He approached her, stroke her face gently, then he held a strand of her silky hair.
"You are too beautiful princess...too bad i had to make you my own this way..." Momoshiki whispered sending shivers along her spine.
Momoshiki went and picked up Akira who was screaming and crying hysterically.
"Please let him go Momoshiki, i promise i'll marry you..leave Akira alone please" she begged.
As momoshiki was approaching Akira's eyes to take his byakugan out, the door smashed showing none other than the redhead Gaara of the sand.
"Gaara kun" hinata said gleefully.
Gaara gathered his chakra and attacked momoshiki with his sand, momoshiki dodged, throwing Akira up, gaara ran and picked Akira.
Momoshiki and gaara battled, Gaara was being beaten as momoshiki was stronger, however he managed to insult the Ōtsutsuki.
However Momoshiki kept assaulting Gaara until gaara was drained, he approached to take Akira again.
"AKIRAAA" hinata screamed and all of a sudden, as her rage increased, the seal on her byakugan was broken, she broke the chains, and with twin lion fists she attacked Momoshiki.
Hinata kept battling Ōtsutsuki, but still he was stronger, momoshiki held hinata's head, he kept punching her stomach until she coughed blood.
The final beat was placed on hinata's face.
She was sprawled on the ground, bleeding, and crawling to her son.
"I..won't..let..you...have...him" hinata managed as she crawled and coughed.
As she approached Akira, momoshiki stood on her palms, breaking it.
"ARGHAAAAAAAAAH" hinata screamed in pain.
Momoshiki gathered his chakra and looked down on hinata.
"Good bye Hyuuga" and as he was landing his last insult, hinata squinted her eyes, but the attack was blocked.
"What do you think you are doing to my wife" sasuke blocked momoshiki's attack with his chidori.
Naruto came quickly, held hinata up, and gave her to Gaara who was straddling Akira.
Momoshiki , sasuke, naruto and Gaara all battled,
However, they had the upper hand, momoshiki retreated and promised he'll attack again.

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