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Hi everyone, ready for the new chapter
Here we go❤️🥰

As usual sasuke woke up at six am just before hinata's, he loved how she nuzzled to him in her sleep not knowing that it was the uchiha.
He didn't want to be bashed and hit when she sees him by her side, so he always get going early, and as usual he'll see her today, at same time at the restaurant.

Hinata woke up at nine am, she felt herself extremely fine, she had some vague memories of yesterday incidents, sasuke taking care of her and his son.
She found herself little bit smiling but she decided to dismiss it. She got ready for her work, and off to the restaurant.

Sasuke was investigating the village, and to his surprise, all people who were reported missing had came back, unharmed and nothing in them changed.
Sasuke felt somehow suspicious, the person who kidnapped those people maybe is using them as a decoy. To distract the uchiha's away.
Maybe this exact person is rooting for someone else.
Maybe he is after the uchiha himself.
Or maybe naruto? Or maybe... his eyes widened at such thought, is he after Akira or...hinata.
Sasuke had to investigate further, his future wife and his son maybe in danger.
"Sorry hinata, i can't come today" he murmured as he used his rinnegan to travel through dimensions.

Hinata was as usual cooking her orders that the costumers loved, she looked at the clock, its two pm, the exact same time that the uchiha came to order his usual.
Hinata knew in few seconds she'll be given the order.
she felt her heart race waiting for such exact order, why is her heart racing. Is she waiting for him, is she nervous to prepare his usual meal.
Hinata took a deep breath as her fellow waiter gave her the order, she looked inside the paper but it wasn't sasuke's order.
Hinata nodded in disappointment and started to prepare the order. She checked the clock again, its two fifteen, and no sign of the uchiha's order.
Hinata felt her heart twist... she was waiting for the uchiha to come, but he didn't, did he give up on his redemption! Did he give up on her? Did something bad happen to him, she felt herself worried! And why is she even worried, sasuke had given her hard times, though he tried alot to make it up for her during her stay with him, and now, but still, he broke her beyond fixation.
Why is she having such feelings.
She decided to use her Byakugan but again she remembers he has placed a seal over her.
So she decided to sneak a little outside to see, she looked but found none. Only Akira playing around as usual.
"Whom you looking for hina... the uchiha guy" some fellow waiter smirked and mocked her.
Hinata yelped
"Yee... no no i was checking on Akira" hinata said blushing and went inside to resume cooking.

Hinata's changed her clothes, she held Akira up, and headed home, and as usual she was expecting pair of pale orbs to be watching over her and her son walking home, but she couldn't see any.
Hinata sighed, maybe in the end sasuke did give up making up for her.
She started walking and singing, but she felt someone presence.
Hinata hesitated then started walking again, until she was surrounded by three Ōtsutsuki members.
Hinata took a step further, she can't use her Byakugan but she can use her combat styles.
"Give us the child..." someone ordered.
Hinata furrowed her eye brows, she held Akira tightly, and as they approached to fight her, she started battling but with half her strength, she was dodging, she couldn't attack as always as she was holding Akira.
She tried to kick, they were powerful, she dodged their attacks, twisting and turning.
However as the battle continued, hinata was losing more of her powers and skills, they were faster, and powerful, she hasn't been training for two years, only taking care of her son.
However two of the members had straddled her, one kept punching her repeatedly and the other took Akira.
"MOMMYYYYY MOMMYYY" akira was trying to struggle but he was still young to fight.
Hinata was looking with tears as they kept insulting and punching her, kicking her.
"AKIRAAAAA" hinata kept yelling her child's name.
And all of a sudden a dark hole opened.
Showing a raging sasuke, with an activated sharingan and rinnegan.
"What the hell you think you are doing to my child and my wife" he growled and then he attacked them with his chidori,
They let go of hinata who collapsed on the ground coughing blood.
Sasuke took held of Akira, he took out his katana and as he attacked the three members, the all retreated.
"Sasuu..." Akira giggled and clapped his hands.
Sasuke gave the child a smile then he walked for hinata who was all bruised and battered.
He pulled her arms up the. He supported her body, until he could held her up on his shoulder.
Sasuke walked back to Soko's house.
She opened and was surprised at hinata's bleeding face
"What happened"
"Ōtsutsuki attacked..., i think they are after Akira"
Sasuke said as he entered and laid hinata on the couch.
Soko held Akira, sasuke found his way inside the kitchen, he brought an ice pack, and headed to hinata who was bruised, he tried to place the ice pack on hinata's who smacked his hands and pushed him away.
He again approached to treat her wounds but she pushed him again.
"Stay still hinata..." he said sternly as he straddled her hands with his prothetic arm and the other tried to take care of her bruised.
Hinata relaxed, after he tried to take care of her wounds, he stood up, she stood as well, and as he marched he heard a quite sob from her.
He turned around as he saw hinata marched towards him, and all of a sudden she smacked his face with all her might, sasuke felt the stinging feeling upon his cheeks, and all of a sudden hinata ran towards him, hugging him fiercely.
"You were late" she said sobbing
"Why didn't you come today"
She punched his chest more.
Sasuke's eyes widened, he found himself wrapping his arms around her waist.
He could feel it, she was scared... too scared for Akira to be taken, and too confused that she should admit, she was glad that sasuke came to her rescue.
She then pushed him away, and wiped her tears.
She headed for the kitchen, where Soko where.

"So you were waiting for him today" soko gave a grin
Hinata kept focusing on preparing Akira's food.
"Isn't it time hina to give him a chance"
"Why would i?"
"Because obviously he had suffered enough..."
"He hadn't, i suffered more"
"Hina- chan, listen, sasuke does love you, its written all over his face..."
" he took me against my will"
"Has he done it with many?"
"I don't know.."
"Has he taken anyone against their wills except for you, maybe it was only rough one..."
"He has many girls around why should he choose me!"
"I think you are the only one who could answer this Hina-chan"
Soko left the kitchen to meet sasuke who was playing with Akira.
Hinata sneaked to see what was sasuke doing, and indeed he was extremely tender with his son
Not the cold aloof one, he had taken care of her when she was sick, and saved her today.
She remembers all the times when she was being captured at his place, all the candles he lightened, all the cinnamon buns he bought, and the yukata's and kimonos, all the time he prepared her dinner and breakfast, he came to kiss her goodbye and good morning, he even talked to her about his mission.
She sighed.
"Fine uchiha... one more chance"

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