Chapter 9

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Paige darts her gaze about in every direction the moment she sets foot outside the school gate. Her fingers tighten around the strap of her backpack until they turn bright red.

"Do you need a ride today?" Becca laughs as she looks at her friend. "Or are you expecting someone else today?"

"What?" Paige turns to Becca and reveals a strained smile.

"Are you going to tell me who that was yesterday?" Becca grins. "You can't tell me he was no one."

I float behind the two as I also search for him. I really hope that he doesn't turn up today. I can't stop Paige from seeing him, but if he doesn't see her then maybe she won't have to go through the same hell I am.

A squeal from behind me makes me jump, and a shiver rushes up my spine as two girls run through me. I'll never get used to that.

"Can you believe he got back with her?" One girl barges into Paige, knocking her off balance. The girl doesn't stop her pace as she races over to a parked red car a short distance away.

Paige mumbles something under her breath as she throws a hard glare at the two girls.

"You okay?" Becca asks.

"Yeah, fine," Paige says, still with a grumble in her voice. "That must be some exciting gossip."

"I'm gathering they're talking about Jackson Hunt." Becca shakes her head.

Paige sucks in a breath as she straightens her posture. "What about Jackson?"

Becca narrows her eyes as she throws a curious look towards her friend. "It seems the paparazzi caught him out with his ex, and they looked a little cosy." Becca pulls out her phone and within six swipes of the screen she finds what she's after and shoves the phone in front of Paige.

I move close to see the screen. An image takes up most of the screen. A close-up of a couple locking lips. It's easy to identify Jackson Hunt, but I can't remember seeing the girl before. She has long blonde, almost platinum, wavy hair with streaks of purple scattered amongst the light. I don't know whether to be sorry for Paige or happy that she's no longer his interest.

I turn my attention to Paige and notice the shock that appears in her eyes.

She swallows and turns away from the phone. "That's just great. So, can you give me a lift home?"

Becca drops her phone back in her pocket but just stands, staring at Paige for a moment. "Yeah, sure. Do you want to do anything before you go home?"

"No, Dad busted me big time yesterday. I'd better head straight home." Paige shakes her head.

A chime sounds from Paige's pocket and she retrieves her mobile. Her lips turn down as she stares at the message. Without answering the message, she places the phone away and takes one glance at the spot where Jackson was standing yesterday.

I follow her glance and see the boy standing in the same position as he was in yesterday. I expect her to still head over to him, ignoring the image she has just seen. Instead, Paige turns away and moves with determined footsteps towards Becca's car.

* * *

Paige stares at the conversation box on the monitor. A string of messages from 'John Smith' fills the small window.

John: Paige, talk to me

John: What's happened?

John: I'm sorry about yesterday

John: Why won't you answer?

Three dots flashing beside John's name suggests he's writing another comment. Paige flicks the monitor off before she can see what else he has to say.

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