Chapter 3

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"Don't worry about them. We'll sort it out later." David flashes one more glance of annoyance at his two daughters before turning back to the two men. "Let's continue our meeting. As Warwick said, we're on a tight schedule here. We should get down to business."

Without another glance back, Paige's father ushers the two men back into the room and firmly locks the door. I watch Jackson Hunt disappear into the now closed room as I struggle to get myself breathing again. It doesn't work. Still dead. I guess I'll have to get used to that.

Shaking off the panic I'm sure is moments from erupting, I turn my attention back to Paige and can't help but notice the slight quiver on her lips as she continues her path across the room. Clearly, this didn't go as she'd planned it to.

"Well, it doesn't look like you'll be able to get close to him that easy." Piper shakes her head and changes direction, heading back up the stairs.

Paige glances back at Piper's retreating form and mumbles to herself, "We'll see about that. I will not give up."

Dragged along behind her, I marvel at the room Paige has entered. A massive gleaming kitchen with glossy black marble benches lining the walls and a shiny double-door refrigerator that looks like it's made of chrome. I look at the polished black dining island set up respectably in the centre of the room and feel like I've wandered into some kind of fine cookery magazine spread. This place is fancier than it has any right to be, especially in a domestic household.

Paige moves determinedly over to the glittering silver fridge and removes a bottle of yellow liquid resembling grapefruit juice. Pouring herself a drink, she lays her arms across the island counter and stares at the door. I watch deep wrinkles appear in her forehead as she bites her bottom lip, lost in thought.

"Hey!" I scream, slamming my hands together in front of her face.

She just keeps staring at the door as if willing something to happen.

I stand in front of her, blocking her view of the door—or at least I try to. Waving my arms wildly around her face, I try to get her attention. She doesn't even blink. She really can't see me. This is beyond weird and annoying as hell. I know something happened to me, and I know it has something to do with Jackson Hunt, but that's where it all caps out. I can't remember anything else.

"Please, you've got to hear me." I reach out and grab ahold of the bench she's leaning on, but instead of feeling its shiny, smooth black surface, my hand continues on straight through it.

I stare at my wrist, disappearing deep inside the counter's surface. It feels almost like I'm sticking my hand deep inside a bowl of pudding. No, not that. Pudding would at least feel like something at least. This feels like nothing. I can sense the resistance like something is there, but at the same time I don't feel it at all.

Hastily pulling my arm out of the glossy surface, I catch sight of my reflection and the conga of dark spectres lingering behind me. I jump back and tear my gaze away from it. I really don't want to see things like that. My gaze darts around the room checking they're not there, and yep, I can't see them anymore. I rub my arms as if trying to shake off the invisible chill I feel knowing they're watching me. What even are they?

"That look doesn't suit you," a silky smooth voice snaps me out of my fright.

I slowly turn around and come face to face with the handsome boy with shaggy blond hair. He's only inches away from me, his rich blue eyes staring straight at me. I can't move. If my heart was still beating, I'm sure it would hammer its way out of my rib cage.

"I think I prefer your smile." He flashes a grin.

"Huh?" I squeak, stumbling back a step.

He takes a step towards me, and I realise he can't see me as he continues moving forward, his body passing through me. He gives one glance over his shoulder to where I still stand frozen as if he noticed me, but then turns his attention back to Paige.

"Didn't you have a meeting?" Paige straightens up and runs her fingers through her hair.

"They're just about wrapping it up." He shakes his head. "With all the business going on, I could sneak out of there no problem. I'm not good with the serious stuff."

"Oh sorry, did you want a drink?" Paige asks.

"Yeah, that would be great."

"What would you like? We have juice, Coke, or water." She points to the bottle of juice sitting on the island bench and then to the fridge.

"Some of that juice would be fine."

Paige nods as she turns around and grabs another glass out of the cupboard. She pours the juice out and passes the glass to him.

"Thanks." He takes the glass. "By the way, I don't know your name."

"It's Paige."

"Well, Paige. It's nice to meet you. I guess you don't need me to introduce myself, but in case you don't know, I'm Jackson."

"Yeah, I sort of heard that name somewhere before." Paige smiles.

Jackson laughs before taking a drink from his glass. "You wouldn't be hanging around here to get a glimpse of me now, would you?"

Paige drinks the rest of the contents from her own glass. "Nah, I was obviously thirsty." She twirls her fingers around the rim of the now-empty glass.

I can only stand behind the two having a cosy conversation, playing my invisible self. I can't warn her or attract her attention. Fragments of time flashes through my mind. Jackson smiling at me, he brushes a hand through my hair as he leans his head close to me. None of the brief glimpses of memory suggests that I should fear Jackson, but the smooth smile of his sends my flesh crawling. I know he was one of the last person's to see me alive.

"I would love this moment to last a bit longer, but I think the meeting's just about up." Jackson shakes his head. "And I think they've realised I'm not there."

"Paige, why are you still down here?" David's voice rings through the kitchen.

I turn my gaze to see Paige's father and the man who was with Jackson, Warwick, standing in the doorway. David stands with his arms crossed in front of him. His lips turned down into a deep frown.

"I was getting a drink." Paige lifts her empty glass and gives a smile.

"Now that you've finished drinking, get to your room." David points through the door. "I'll come and speak with you once I've finished with my business."

Paige places her empty glass in the sink and smirks towards Jackson. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Jackson." Paige turns her attention back to her father, and upon seeing the worsening mood, she rushes from the room without saying one more word.

"It was nice meeting you as well, Paige," Jackson's voice calls after her.

Paige races into her room and slams the door. She collapses on the bed and grabs her pillow. Holding it against her face, she gives a brief, smothered squeal. The hysterics last for no longer than ten seconds before she pushes herself to a sitting position and turns her attention to one poster stuck to the wall across from the bed. The poster shows one boy crouched down in front of a brick wall, staring straight at the camera. Paige stares at Jackson with a daydreaming expression. Her expression makes the non-existent butterflies go berserk in my stomach.

I'm sure I don't have to worry about whether Jackson is some serial killer. Besides, I doubt Paige will see him again.

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