11. Epilogue

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Several months later...

[Jeon Jungkook]

Hyemi and I found ourselves in our managers' office, silent after a round of scolding. I looked to the side, avoiding my manager's hard glare as Hyemi bowed down, trying to hide her laughter.

We were being scolded again as someone had released an article saying that "BTS's Jungkook and LuVie's Mia spotted on a romantic date". The article showed a few pictures, including the part where Hyemi and I were play fighting about which cartoon series was better.

Of course The Last Airbender won, but then we started arguing again about which Avatar past life was better. It's Kuruk by the way, but she insists it's Kyoshi.

Well, the article blew up, as it had trended on the internet in a matter of few hours. Our fans were quick to defend that we were just best friends, but there was also speculations of us dating, some even saying we were engaged. So we were called upon.

Personally, I would have liked it if it was Sunhee scolding us, but since her contract with Bighit ended, she didn't apply again to avoid the predicament of a secret office relationship with Hoseok hyung. She found another job as Melody's new manager at Cube, which is still not far since Hyemi and Melody are great friends.

"You know it isn't good for your image to be seen on a date together, Jungkook... Mia, look at me in the face."

Finally, Hyemi looks up with a snort.

"Is there anything funny about the dating scandal?"

"Nothing..." She starts. "It's just that I fail to see how a footage of Jungkook putting me on a chokehold screams 'dating' and 'romantic', Manager Lee..."

Hyemi and I broke into laughter as Manager Lee just pulls at his hair in annoyance. He closes his laptop with a sigh and faces us.

"Please try to keep it on the down low. I know you two just want to date as you please, but don't ruin each other's image while at it." He pleads, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You two can leave for the shoot now."

I offer my hand to her, smirking as she intertwines her hand into mine. We left the room, swinging our hands as we passed the hallways of the office going to the dance studio, where everyone was supposed to meet.

Hyemi looks up at me with a small smile. "Should we let go now?"

"But I don't want to..." I whined, tightening my grip on her hand. "We don't have to film immediately anyway."

"Fine, you baby."

"But I'm your baby..."

"No, you're my pet seagull."

She swung the door open with her free hand, alerting everyone of our arrival.

"About time you two arrived." Jin spoke up. "Minah and Jimin bought some coffee and donuts."

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