4. Jungkook

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[Jeon Jungkook]

I left her dorm and crossed the street hurriedly towards my dorm, trying to avoid any prying eye in broad daylight.

If Dispatch sees this, it's going to be scandalous that I only left her place the next morning.

"Oh? Jungkook!" Jimin exclaims as I shut the door to our home. "You came home early..."

"Shut up..." I chuckled and went straight to the fridge for some banana milk.

"No seriously, why did you just get home?"

"I had breakfast with Hera noona and Hyemi if you're asking."

"Not that." Jimin stands in front of me as I drink my banana milk. "You went home with Hyemi from the reception last night and didn't come back... Wait, did something happen between you two?!"

"What?! No!" I spluttered out. "You know I would never sleep with her drunk and all, right?"

"Right..." He smirked, taking a bottle of water from the fridge. "But you do want to, don't you?"

My face heated up as I avoided Jimin's knowing stare and instead focused on Taehyung sitting in front of the TV and playing video games.

"Oh my, Jungkook is so red!"

"Is that Mario Kart, hyung?"

"Yeah, you want to play?" Taehyung calls out.

"Don't ignore me, Kookie." Jimin smiled. "You like Hyemi, don't you?"

I paused for a while.

"She probably doesn't like me..." I whispered.

Jimin said nothing and just puts an arm over my shoulders as we walked back to the sofa and settling down.

"Well, you do like Mia?" Taehyung confirms. "Why don't you ask her if she feels the same?"

"I don't want to ruin the friendship we have. I already worked hard just to be this close with her, but she still tenses up when we hug sometimes, do you really think she'll like me at this point?" I take the controller from his outstreched hands.

"Well you'll never know unless you try, Kook. "

"And you know Mia isn't a touchy person, right?" Jimin says. "Maybe you should try asking her out for coffee?"

I snorted.

"Says the guy who still fails to ask Minah out."

"Look, I've been flirting at her for the past few weeks, it's just that she isn't flirting back."

I patted Jimin's back with a laugh.

"It's okay, you both will live." Taehyung smiled at the two of us before finally starting up the game.

We dismissed the topic as we began playing video games into the day. One time, I let Jimin take my controller to change into much comfortable clothes since I slept in my tux last night.

We continued for hours, with only the interruption of Hera, who wanted to hang out with us, taking Taehyung's controller to beat me in Halo.

"I won!" Hera exclaims, jumping in place. "Now you all owe me 10,000 won."

Everyone fished out money to pay her, although hesitantly. I felt my phone vibrate for a while, taking it out of my pocket to answer.

"God, I may sound annoying but can I rant to you right now?" Hyemi asks as I shifted to a more comfortable position.

"Hello to you too, Hyemi." I chuckled. "Do you want me to put you on loudspeaker?"

"What? No... I don't want any of this to reach the boy's ears, and in extension, my sister's ears... Wait, they'll know anyway, who's with you?"

"Come on, decide. It's just Hera noona and the maknae line."

"Perfect. I need Jimin's supportive input too."

I put the phone on loudspeak at the coffee table and announced that Hyemi had something to say.

"Before I begin, the two Jins say hi and passed the message that they're having loads of fun in Nagasaki and to not leave the dorm dirty for so long." Hyemi starts.

"Hi Hyemi!" They chorused.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Uni?" Hera probes.

"I was, but I had lunch before that with the devils."

"Come on, calling your parents 'devils' is a bit farfetched, isn't it?" Taehyung butts in.

"You'll understand why, I'm getting there." She snapped, before breathing. "You all know damn well that my sister just got married, right?"

"Umm, we know, Mia. We were there." Jimin joked.

"My parents, absolute sweethearts. " She continues, voice laced with poison. "They tried to set me up with an engineer back in Gwangju. The nerve, right?!"

I furrowed my brows worriedly at the news. "You're not joking?"

"I wish I was, Kook. That Joonhyuk with his traditional patriarchal mindset even implied that I should stop being an idol once I tie the knot. Ugh! Do they not realize that I don't need a boyfriend right now?! I don't want to stop living my dream just because I have a lover of some sort."

I felt my brothers' stare burn down at me as I sat there, deflated.

I hear her sigh once again from the other line."You know what, maybe I am exaggerating right now. I just don't want them up my throats about my own personal matters. How do I go about that?"

Does she really mean that she doesn't want a relationship? I understand her stand, but, well... Do I really stand a chance to be with her after all that? I like her, but she doesn't even want to get into a relationship.

I was obviously upset because of it as my thoughts drowned out the whole conversation where it's just Jimin and Hera pitching in advice for Hyemi to handle her parents.

I was shaken back to reality, literally, when I felt Jimin softly shaking my arm while Hyemi calls out from the other line.

"Hey, Kook... kookoo! Seagull! Hello?"

"Sorry, I was distracted." I reasoned. "What is it?"

"I said, do you think you can come up with me to Gwangju so I don't have to face them alone during my mother's birthday next week?"

"S-sure, why not?"

"Excellent, I really owe you one, Kookie. Bye!"

The phone call ends as they looked at me in pity.

"It's okay, Kook. It's not like she said that she doesn't like you. She'll come around soon." Jimin said.

"Shut up."

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