CH. 8 You Think So Little of Me

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"See! Much better!" Kade exclaimed, clapping his hands together and pulling me in for a bear hug as I approached them, "All fixed," He teased me, rocking us back and fourth.

"Ugh, get off of me Kade," I mumbled into his chest as loud as I could, trying to pry myself away from this beast that reeked of cologne and desperation.

"I just can't hold in my love for my baby sister, sorry," He teased even more, and I could basically feel him smirk, enjoying this moment of torture.

Finally, after enough of my scrambling, Kade let me go and walked out the front door like normal, "Let's roll boys! And girl," He called to the rest of us who we're still standing in the doorway.

We followed in suit and all piled into Kade's car; a white Range Rover he'd received from our parents on his 16th birthday.

West got in the passenger seat next to Kade, forcing Flynn and me to take the back.

"Buckle up babies," Kade said, looking at all of us through the rear-view mirror and grinning, making West roll his eyes and punch Kade in the shoulder,

"You may be older than me, but I'm still stronger," West bragged to Kade, flexing his muscles to him, causing Kade to retort in a glare.

Ah, boys fighting for their masculinity card. What a sight to see...

On the ride there, everyone was pretty silent- Kade singing along to the radio and the rest of us on our phones.

I was in the middle of browsing through Instagram when Kade jerked us into a parking spot, and turned back to the rest of us, "Alrighty, we've arrived. Now, I wanna get in and out of here as soon as possible," Kade instructed us, turning his attention to me now, "That means you Violet. No dilly-dallying, we're here for supplies, not clothes- remember that," He said, giving me a pointed look.

"Ya, ya, I know. We have uniforms. No need for extra clothing, gotcha," I saluted back to him jokingly, earning a laugh from West.

Uniforms at Baton Academy were actually cute, despite normal ugly private school attire where girls wore skirts down past their knees and boys squeezed into way-too-tight trousers. Baton Academy actually had decent length skirts that were cute, matched with knee high socks and optional cardigans.

"Smartass," Kade mumbled under his breath as he got out of the car, the rest of us following him into Target; home of school supplies.

You see, Kade was kind of the indirect leader of us younger Hansen's. Even though none of us listen to him in the way we listen to Lucas, Lance, and Chase, we still give him a little satisfaction of feeling like the oldest when he's left in charge of the three of us.

As we four marched into Target, we grabbed our own individual shopping carts, wheeling them down the isles to find the school supplies section- which to our surprise was vague of anyone else.

"Violet, let's talk about you for a moment," West began, looking in my direction as we all sifted through binders, folders, and pencils.

"Oh West, I think we've done enough talking about me for the past 74 hours..." I said, picking up a pink folder and placing it in my cart, "How about we talk about Kade? We all know he loves to talk about himself," I smirk, shooting Kade a wink.

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