Final Author's Note

Start from the beginning

The two were planning on taking the golf cart out one afternoon for a quick joy ride around town. They had been planning on doing it for a while now. But just as they were preparing to leave...

"Hold up! Where are you girls going?" said Stan as he walked out to confront them.

Here's what the original idea was for story 1. Dipper tries to make Mabel a new cup of coffee after spilling her old one

Story 1: Coffee trouble

One afternoon, Dipper was sitting at the kitchen table reading Journal 3. The book just mesmerised him so much. But he always wondered what all those blank pages were meant for. The author, who ever he was sure had a lot yet to write.

At that moment Mabel walked in.

"Hey Dipper, I have to go help Grunkle Stan for a sec. You mind watching my cup of coffee till I get back," she asked.

"Yeah, sure. Just leave it here," Dipper replied.

"Thanks bro," Mabel said as she ran off.

Dipper continued reading through journal 3 but soon he began to get tired. He got so tired that without realizing it, he drifted off.

The journal fell down, knocking the cup of coffee and spilling it all over the table. The sound woke him right up.

"Oh no, not on the journal," Dipper yelled as he quickly grabbed the book off the table.

It just about escaped but now coffee lay all over the floor and worse, Mabel was going to return with none left to drink.

Dipper pondered as he went to clean up the mess. Should he tell Mabel? Should he fake a cover story?

"On one hand, she'll be mad I spilled it. But on the other hand, this is like her fourth cup of the day. She could do without that extra caffeine," he thought to himself.

Suddenly he comes up with a brilliant idea. Why not just make a new cup?

Only on problem. He didn't know how to make coffee.

Dipper ran to the cupboards and grabbed the only coffee Stan had. Some Colombian brand he had stolen from Bud Gleeful.

"Alright. This may not be from BuckStars but it'll have to do! So, how do I do this again," Dipper said to himself.

He decided to just improvise. He knew coffee had milk and sugar in it, so put the coffee beans into the brewer and pressed the button.

He then noticed a small coffee stain on one of the pages in the journal he hadn't seen yet. The page had been glued shut for some reason. When he pried it open, Dipper was presented with an unusual sight

Recipe for making the Crazy Bean coffee extreme.

As Dipper read the page, he realized it was a recipe written by the author on how to make a coffee so extreme, that it would keep the person who drank it awake for a long time (about 9 hours).

While a risk, Dipper decided to follow it because he didn't know how to make coffee himself and this was a recipe that he could actually use.

And finally, here's a snippet from Synth sweater. I began writing this story but gave up after realizing it was super cringy. 

Synth sweater

"Hey Dipper," said Mabel, "What do you think of my new sweater?"

"Uh, why is it neon?" said Dipper.

"Oh, well I was in town and there was this lady having a yard sale. She sold me this neon yarn from the eighties for fifty cents. I knitted them into a keyboard sweater."

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